Strong Relief Lifted

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Lynx PoV:

Pictures of him flashed my dream. But they weren't happy, they were just depressing and sad. I wanted to wake up, more then anything in the world! Wake up, Lynx! Wake up! 

Scabior PoV:

I paced the floor, wondering what I should do. I haven't heard of Lynx since the day the Dark Lord was killed. Even though it was all over, why did I feel such a strong prick of guilt in my chest? I was the one that gave Lynx to the Dark Lord. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't have had the Dark Mark. 

It's been more then five months. I grabbed my wand and Apparated to the small cottage that I snatched Lynx. I ran to the house and knocked loudly. The older redhead opened the door and immediately, when he saw me, took out his wand. 

"What do you want?!" He demanded.

"Calm down! The war is over!" I yelled.

"Then why are you here?"

"I need to explain Lynx's situation. And here." I gave the man my wand. "So you know I won't hurt you."

The redhead looked taken aback and lowered his wand and grabbed mine. He said, "Charlie's the name. I'll listen to you, but if you try something, I swear, I won't hesitate to send you to Azkaban... or kill you. But, I don't think I should be the only one listening to you."

I nodded and took Charlie's arm. We Apparated to a small burrow. Charlie opened the door and Harry Potter, a girl with brown hair, and the George follow and, a younger redhead and a younger redhead looked like they were going to go out of the house. But when they looked at me, they looked at Charlie in confusion.

I spoke, "I'm here to explain to you Lynx's Death Eater status."

They paused and hesitated; they talked amongst themselves and finally let me in. They sat me down in a small stool and they sat on the sofa, opposite of me.

"Go on, and don't try anything!" Harry Potter said.

I nodded and started, "It was around the month before the Battle of Hogwarts and the Dark Lord ordered me to look for Lynx. I didn't question him, because if I did, I would be looking for Death, but I'm pretty sure he wanted her because of her knowledge and skill. It took us around a month to find her."

"How did you find her, exactly?" The girl with red hair asked.

"Her trace. She would always do magic even though she wasn't of age. And also because she was idiotically carrying around the Dark Lords wand. When we found her, Dementors found her before us. My suspicion is that the Dark Lord grew impatient. And we, being the Snatches that we were, didn't do anything. We were in Charlie's cottage and you were there too," I pointed to George. "You guys casted your Patronus and blew them off. In our chance, we snatched up Lynx and went away. But when I searched her, she didn't have the wand with her the Dark Lord also informed us that we return his wand to him. I went back and drank Polyjuice Potion and became her. There's this potion that a Death Eater made to make our voice sound like a different person, so I drank that as well. 

"I Apparated to the old cottage again, moments after we snatched Lynx and went up to her room. I got stopped by George. You stopped me and asked me some stuff. I didn't want to deal with it and threatened you with my Dark Mark, which was not supposed to be there, but the Polyjuice Potion can't cover Dark Magic as that Mark. After I got all of her stuff, I Apparated back to where the other Snatchers were. 

"I entered Lynx's room, gave her the stuff and told her why I snatched her. She of course didn't want to be a Death Eater but there is no choice in that matter if the Dark Lord wants to Mark somebody. Now, this is the part where it gets a little tricky. The Dark Lord was a very egotistical man. And very strong. So, he sensed that Lynx wasn't as loyal as he wanted her to be and my theory is that he used Nagini to take her Mark away from her. The Mark is supposed to be an honor and for Lynx to spit on it really agitated him. When Nagini bit her, her Mark faded."

Lynx Malfoy (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now