Dying Slowly

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I heard Ginny and Hermione whisper, "What?"

About to turn around and answer them, but Draco grabbed my hand and apparated to the hospital. The Cherpry Lovett Hospital, where all of the Malfoys were born. I had to admit, I had forgotten about Lyra but as Draco and I ran into the corridors of the hospital, I got excited. I was going to have a baby sister! 

When we got into the hospital room where Mum was delivering Lyra. My father was gripping Mum's hand and the Healers where around her, ready with equipment to deliver the baby. I realized as I watched Draco, my father and mother there in the same room, there was going to be another one of us. Another Malfoy. 

"I'm glad you're safe," She whispered through hard breaths. 

"Thanks, Mum," I answered. Are you really, Mother?

After a long time, Lyra was ready to come out. I stood back, keeping my distant from the miracle of child birth happening. Mum pushed and pushed then there came out the beautiful baby. The healer gave her to my mother and all of us surrounded the beautiful girl. She had all the qualities of a Malfoy. Pale, thick blonde hair, fair skin tone and grey eyes. 

"What will you name her?" The healer asked Mother.

When the healer asked this, the room got silent. "Lyra," Mum said simply and smiled. She looked up to me with grace in her eyes and I couldn't help but to smile back.

My mother handed me the small baby and she cooed when I held her. My heart was beating so quick and even though I had only just met her, my love for her was so immense. "Hi, Lyra. My name is Lynx. I'm your big sister," I said, my voice low to not startle her. "Yes, I am. Oh, we're going to have so many adventures. You're living in such a pure world, baby. I'll protect you."

The healers took her back so that they can do the routines to check if the baby was healthy and in the hospital room, I was alone with my family. My mother was exhausted from giving birth and quietly laid in her bed with her eyes closed. My father was sitting beside her not looking me in the eye while Draco gave me a tilted smile. 

"Well, isn't this pleasently awkward," I said. I saw that my father was going to say something so I got up and said, "I'm going to take a walk. I've been in hospitals way too long. I'll meet you all in the Manor."

I Apparated to the Manor before anyone could say anything and when I arrived, the boom from my Apparition echoed through the whole house. There was something so eerie coming back to this house. Just a couple of months ago, this house was host to the Death Eaters and Lord Voldemort. Deaths happened here. My friends were tortured here. And now, it's quiet as its always been. Like nothing even happened.

I shivered just thinking about it. I walked up the stairs to my room and found that everything was how I left it. I sat down in my bed and forgot how comfortable a bed that wasn't from a motel was. I went under the covers and let myself close my eyes, shutting down the crazy day. 

Before I drifted off to sleep, I remembered George and how he has already moved on from me. 

The knock on my door woke me up. The sun was up and I realized that I slept the whole day. I must've been so exhausted. I told whoever knocked to come in and saw that it was Draco. 

"Good morning. Mum just came back with Lyra. Dad and I came back yesterday and we found you asleep," Draco said as he entered my room. "Wanna see her?" 

"Of course I do. Can you believe it?" I said getting up from my bed. We walked down to where our new sister was. "We have a new little baby sister."

"Would've been nice to have a little brother but I honestly cannot find a single flaw from her," Draco said with a smile. "If she's even just a little like you, I know she's a great person." I gave him a big smile as we entered the living room where Mother was hold Lyra with a peaceful smile as she was looking deeply into Lyra's eyes. When she looked at me, she gestured me to go to her and when I did, she gently gave me my sister. 

Lynx Malfoy (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now