Upsets and Downfalls

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I turned around, recognizing the voice and sighed when I saw him. I said, "Shouldn't you be in Azkaban by now, Scabior?"

"Ouch, that hurts," Scabior said, overacting. "But, no. I did my time there. It's not a fun scene but they testified all the followers and they sent me to a room where they fed me Veritaserum, you know the potion that makes you tell the truth."

"I know of it."

"And yeah, they thought that Azkaban was too harsh for a bloke that only found people so they have me on parole. I wanted to find you right after but it took me forever. And finding people used to be my job."

"Yeah, well, I'm a pretty hard person to find," I said sighing. I looked at his exposed left sleeve and saw that his Dark Mark was still there but like all Death Eaters after the Dark Lord fell only had a faded outline of it. 

"I just wanted to find you to apologize to you."

"Apologize? You know that day you ruined my life? The day you found me. The day the Dark Mark was forced upon me? The day that all of my friends turned away from me? It's shooting back again," I replied, unlocking my arms from his. Scabior stopped walking and looking down. I looked at his expression, it was mixed guilt and sadness.

"Hey, Scab, it's all alright. It's just a matter of time that I get over it, right," I said, patting his back and smiling up to him. 

"But I did ruin your life... That boy-."


"George really did mean the whole world to you and I just ruined it for you. That's why I've been trying to look for you. After the Dark Lord fell, so did you. People have been telling me that you died, lost all of your memory, or just disappeared. People told me that you went mad. So I sort of went mad for a while, but here you are. You look completely normal."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know, when people love someone so much, they go mad."

"Well sure, I'm a little broken, but I'm fine."

"That's... good to hear," Scabior sighed and pushed his hair back. It wasn't as matted and dirty as it was during the war. This was the first time I got a good look at him and he looked cleaner. His clothes weren't battered, his hair was a bit tangled but not as much as before, and he looked calmer. The only thing that was the same were his tired, baggy eyes. 

"Well, you look better, Scabior. I hope you keep on keeping on. I think I'll call it a night," I said smiling. 


"Yeah?" I asked, still smiling.

"Oh, never mind. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Scabior."

With that, he Dissaperated and my smile fell. Part of me wants to forgive him and the other part wants me to rip his limbs off. There was a huge lump in my throat that I had to push down. I shook off the thought and Apparated to Draco's flat. I saw him reading a book on the sofa, with a look of disappointment on his face. 

"Draco? You alright, there? You look sad," I said taking a seat next to him and taking off my shoes. 

He sighed, closed his book, and said, "Well... You see... I did the job interview, but I don't think the person trusted me very well. I guess that's what happens when you are a Death Eater."

"Were a Death Eater, Draco. We aren't them anymore. We just need to give it some time and then everyone will put this nonsense all behind us," I reassured him.

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