Move Along

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Lynx PoV

We Apparated to the middle of Diagon Alley. I wiped away the tears and rubbed my eyes. I looked up at the cold grey skies and couldn't help but compare them to my emotional state. I tightened my coat around me as a cool chill breezed through and sighed.

"You look like you could use some ice cream," Stef said interrupting my melancholy thoughts. 

I took a deep breath in. "I actually really could. I need a nice cold thing instead of this gross cold weather."

"Well, Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour is actually the best ice cream place in all of England. It'll be my treat."

"Really?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck. "You've already done so much for me and I don't want to bother you."

"It won't be a bother at all, Lynx. And besides, you'd be an absolute fool if you turned down free ice cream," Stef said with a smirk and a raised brow.

I laughed and pushed hair behind my ear. "You are totally right. Lead the way."

The two of us walked a block and he kindly opened the door to the very colorful ice cream parlour. The smell of vanilla and cream made me smile and sent a relieving feel around my body. The headache and guilt hid away.

"I definitely need ice cream," I mumbled looking at the glass case filled with unusual flavors. There was even vanilla with Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans in them. That looked way to risky for this sort of day but a young boy around the age of twelve ordered a large cup of that. 

"Good luck with that," Stefan said to the boy. The boy looked at him and gave him a gleeful and devious smile.

"It's for my little sister," The boy said, grinning and handing it to his sister who was around six. 

"That's a little scary," Stef said, chuckling. "I wouldn't want to get to his bad side."

"That's how siblings are. We play tricks on each other. Although, we mean well," I said, smiling at the young siblings. The younger sister already took a bite and when she realized the flavor wasn't quite pleasant, she threw a small tantrum and the boy couldn't stop laughing. It reminded me of Draco and I when we were younger. Those were simpler times. "Do you have siblings?"

"Yes, but none I was close to," Stef said, looking over the flavors."

I ordered my ice cream. I chose a more simpler route, Mint with Fizzy Wizzy bits. Stefan chose the Black and White flavor with mini chocolate frogs. We chose a seat next to the window and when I took my first lock of ice cream, I sighed with a huge grin. 

"How's it?" Stef asked.

"Delicious. Thank you so much," I answered. 

We stayed at the ice cream shop talking about whatever came to mind. It's been a while since I just talked without the consequences of anything else. I talked about where I went to school and he apparently went to Koldovstoretz, the wizarding school in Russia. He's been making money at the bar so he could save enough money to receive higher education. I laughed with him and he told me interesting things about how he grew up. When I realized that it was rush hour at the Alley, I thought about Janice and Marcus and how I promised I'd help them in the shop.

"I have to go, Stef. I'm sorry. I hadn't realized how much time we here," I said, picking up the cone wrappings and getting up.

"Of course," Stef said, getting up with me.

"Thank you so much again. I-... I needed this a lot. It was very uplifting." 

"Hey, no problem. Promise me you'll drop by the bar?" He asked with a smile.

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