Hogwarts... Uh, Oh!

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There is going to be a part where I misspell words. Just to let you know that that's supposed to happen. Enjoy! :) Merry Christmas!


"Whoa.... Uh... Hi...." I tried. I got up but they were still pointing their wands at me. I checked their uniform and saw the Gryffindor crest. "Gryffindor, I see." When I struggled to get out of the Vanishing Cabinet, I realized that Draco's in this very castle.

"Who are you?!" The short one asked. He had a short haircut and a slight Irish accent.

"I'm Lynx Malfoy, but don't worry. I'm not a Death Eater." I pulled up my left sleeve and exposed my left forearm.

"Malfoy? Draco had a sister?" The other one asked. He was really tall and dark skinned. 

"Yeah... I get that a lot," I commented.

"Why are you here, then?" The short boy answered.

"Whoa, you didn't introduced yourself, rude."

"I'm Seamus Finnigan."

"Dean Thomas," The tall one said.

"I'm looking for someone called Ginny Weasley? Have you seen her around?" I asked.

For some reason, Dean looked away in annoyance and Seamus sighed and said, "You haven't even told us why you were here."

"I promise, I'm not part of my families morals and values. I just need to see her."

"Follow me," Seamus said. "And don't get any ideas." I followed him and Dean. They led me to the moving staircases that Draco told me about. There were so many portraits and paintings on the wall that made me wonder how life would have been if I had chosen to go to Hogwarts. I followed the two and they stopped in front of a rather large portrait of a rather large woman.

"Password?" The portrait asked.

Seamus whispered something to the painting and the door opened. Inside were Gryffindors sitting around, most of them did not look happy. 

"Just remember, you did not come inside because of us," Dean whispered. I nodded and looked around the corridor. Most of the people were looking at me weirdly and that was totally understandable. My hair was all over the place, my clothes had rips and I didn't look like I belonged. Ignoring them, I finally found Ginny on the couch reading a book.

"Ginny!" I exclaimed.

Ginny looked up to see who called her but when she realized that it was me, she slammed her book shut and started to walk away from me. She probably got the notice from the twins that I hurt her brothers and mother.

"Look, Ginny, I can explain," I stated following her.

"Explain what?!" Ginny yelled, turning around.

All the Gryffindor's shut themselves up and looked at us. Ginny groaned and grabbed my hand. She led me to her room and sat me down on a chair.

"Explain, what?" she said more calmly. "Explain that you almost got my mother and brothers killed?!"

"It's not like that!" I snapped and sighed. "My parents never liked me so I ran away. I chose your home first because I knew your father from the Ministry and he always helped me out, and because I thought I could gain your trust and your friendship. I just wanted to run away from the Manor. It didn't feel like home to me. 

"Then, when you accepted me, I felt loved and happy. I felt like the Burrow was my home. When you went to Hogwarts on September first, that's when I got the letter from my brother, Draco. He told me to run and hide, because the Death Eaters were searching for me. They arrived with no chance to run. The twins helped me out and dissaperated me to WWW. But, me having the trace of underage, they found me easily. My mother lied to the twins and I saying, 'thank you for leading me to them' or something like that. My mother put me back to the Manor and that's when everything went crazy. I'm being hunted by Death Eaters that this very moment," I finished with a deep breath.

Lynx Malfoy (A Harry Potter FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now