No Place Like Home

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~Note: I've haven't been to a wedding recently so I forgot how these things work. Lyrics don't belong to me.~


"I love you," mouthed George, smiling. He looked back at his sister.

I stared at him, not knowing what to do but my mind was racing. George still loves me... after all these years? He... waited for me?

Ginny took Harry's hand and walked down the chapel while everyone was throwing pink rose petals at the newly weds.

"C'mon! Let's go to the reception!" Janice said, smiling, getting my arm and Apperated to the reception. My mind was spinning and Janice had to catch me before I fell over.

"Woah, you okay?" Janice asked.

"Yeah. I just... Haven't Apperated in a long, long time." 

"Sorry! I forgot. You have to tell me all about New York when we have the chance."

Looking around at the field of the Burrow, my mind told me, welcome home. My heart immediately warmed when I remembered that this was the place that changed my life. The family that gave me refuge in my times of need. I almost wanted to cry again. Soon enough, everyone started to Apparate to the Burrow and placing their wedding gifts on a table. 

"Oh, god," I whined. 

"What?" Janice asked.

"I forgot to get a gift for them."

I heard Klarix call behind me with a huge grin. I turned around, ran to her and hugged her. "Lynx Malfoy!"

"Klarix!" I yelled, hugging her ever so tightly. The warmth of a dear friend's hug cannot be replicated. I sighed in happiness in her hug. 

"You can always sing to them," Klarix said when we broke away from the hug. 

"That... Actually might really work," I replied smiling.

"Yes, isn't she just so smart," Draco asked, putting his arm around her.

"Draco," I whispered, almost choking on my emotions and giving him the biggest hug. I heard him chuckle and wrap his arms around me. 

"Didn't think I'd see you so soon," My dear sweet older brother said.

"Awe, does that mean you missed me?"

"Never," Draco said giving me one last squeeze before letting me go.

"You need to write more."

"You know I'm not the writing type. You need to write to me first."

"Guys! Let's go inside the tent!" Janice called with Marcus behind her.

Draco kissed Klarix on the cheek and walked her to the tent. I walked behind them and when I saw Marcus, he gave me a friendly wink. Janice, Marcus, Klarix, Draco and I sat down on the table and started to chatter away on what I've been missing. Ginny and Harry entered the reception with the rest of her family following closely behind. I didn't want to make myself known yet. I wanted me to be a surprise. The wedding events went along and it was finally time for Ron's speech.

"Everyone! Everyone! Can I have your attention, please?" Ron asked, holding a glass of wine. "I would like to take this time to say how happy I am for my sister and my best friend! A couple of years ago I met Harry in King's Cross not knowing that he was the Boy-Who-Lived. And look where we are now, he's mates for life with my sister." Ron looked at Harry. "If you hurt Ginny, Harry, you'll meet my fist." Everyone laughed. "I'm just kidding. School with Harry was a bloody mess. Every year we'd get into some trouble. I remember in our sixth year, Professor McGonagall said, 'Why is it that when something happens, it's always you three?' And I answered, 'Trust me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question.' But when I think about it, those will be the best memories ever."

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