When Hope Dies, New Ones Accrue

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Lynx PoV

It's been around two or three months that I've been away from the hospital and I haven't seen anyone that I know ever since the Battle of Hogwarts. I've been ignoring everything around me. Having "Lynx" time is just what I needed. But it wasn't enough. I was still wearing the necklace George gave me for my birthday. It hurts to keep it on, but it hurts more to take it off. 

Never have I stayed in the same hotel room for more then a week. Where else am I supposed to go? I feel like whenever I try to leave London, something is pulling me back. That "something" is either three things, my family, the Weasley's (especially George) and Scabior. 

My family because they are my blood family. You can never leave a blood family, even if they did treat me as horrible as they did, I could never leave them. The Weasley's because they are the people that actually thought me as a member of something special. George because... he was my first love. And you never forget the first one. And lastly, Scabior because he's the one that started all of this Dark Mark nonsense. 

Many times I've thought of leaving to America, Spain, Canada, Guam, Australia, hell... Just somewhere not London! 

Want to know a regular day for me? First I get up from the cheap hotel room and pack up. I get my read the Dailey Prophet, walk all around London, trying to ignore all the people around me, eat brunch, rest for a while, read a book, try to get out of London, eat dinner, book up a new hotel room and sleep. 

I have considered the fact that I might be going mad and for no particular reason. It's either I'm mourning the loss of Fred, confused about my family and frustrated at Scabior. Back to those three reasons. I'm not even sure why I don't just confront them...

I was sitting in an outside bench, in the cold, snowy winter, close to Diagon Alley, reading a cozy book called Full Dark, No Stars by this muggle writer Stephen King. I breathed to my hands to make them warmer. Kids were happy running, going from shop to shop, getting in the Christmas mood. I've never really had a normal Christmas. Last Christmas, I spent in the Manor, alone and brewing potions, like every other. 

I put the book back into my bag and went into the Leakey Cauldron entrance to Diagon Alley. I stopped yards away from a very busy store... WWW. I saw kids going in with smiles and coming out with loads of joke bags. 

Sighing at the scene, I heard my voice being called in a distance. Turning around, two people hugged me. In shock, I didn't hug them back. When the girls pulled away, I looked at their face and a huge smile curved around my face.

"LYNX!" Ginny and Hermione yelled.

I laughed, hugged them and saw Ron and Harry grinning at me. I went to them and hugged the two boys.

"When did you get out of the hospital?" Harry asked.

"Uhm... A while ago..." I answered, counting on my fingers. 

"How long is a while ago?" Hermione asked, still having a glad look on her face.

"Three months ago?" I answered, but it sounded more like a question. 

"What?" Ginny asked. 

"That proves that you haven't visited me in the hospital lately," I said smiling. I saw the guilt slash across their face and I took it aback. "No... I don't mean it like that. I mean, I don't really care... What were you going to do, right? I was just sleeping most of the time."

"We wanted too, we really did," answered Ron. "But around three months ago, Srabitor... Spanirot... What's that blokes name? He was a Snatcher..."

"Scabior?" I helped.

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