⁽ ¹⁹ ⁾ "ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛ sᴜɴʟɪɢʜᴛ"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to the next chapter! Yachi finally gets introduced! Enjoy!

edited on july 13th, 2021 @ 12:05pm

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AFTER TAKEDA STATED THAT SEIYA'S four teammates were going to need to study for the upcoming exams, the four started panicking, which caught the red head off guard when they started yelling. Tanaka and Nishinoya started to run off.

"Hey, there's nowhere to run! Ennoshita, grab them!" Daichi called out as Ennoshita nodded and got in front of the other two second-years.

"Got it!" He assured, grabbing the two.

Seiya glanced over and flinched when he saw a pale and panicking look on Hinata's face. "Fail... Fail... What counts as a failing grade?" He questioned, making Seiya and Sugawara stare at him.

"That's your first question?" Sugawara replied back, as Seiya just watched everything unfold.

"Kageyama isn't breathing!"

Seiya looked over to see that Kageyama being all pale as paper and unmoving as a statue with Yamaguchi freaking out over him. "Since we said we were going to continue club activities, we have to at least make decent grades." Sugawara stated with a sigh of exhaustion as Seiya watched Ennoshita drag Tanaka and Nishinoya over to them.

"You shouldn't fail." Tsukishima grins down at the two second-years.

"Nope." Ennoshita agreed, smirking as well.

Hinata was the first to speak. "M-Maybe if we beg the vice principal..." He asked but Seiya cut him off.

"Why don't you try really hard and not fail the exam?" Seiya stated as Tsukishima nodded in agreement.

"Even if we get the vice principal's permission, if you have to take supplementary classes, those will take priority." Takeda informed, making Hinata gasp dramatically as if his whole world came crashing down.

Hinata suddenly grabbed Ukai. "Coach!" He exclaimed, desparate for help.

"W-Well, this isn't something you're gonna be able to avoid as a student." Ukai stated with a sheepish look, as he didn't meet Hinata's eyes.

"But..." Hinata started to whine, but was interrupted by Ukai.

"You need willpower! You need to believe you can do it!" Ukai encouraged as Hinata still looked panicked.

"Philosophical stuff? No, that's fine. Please teach me!" Hinata exclaimed as he begged the coach to help him out.

"Hinata, I didn't really want to bring this up..."

Hinata looked up at the coach who was staring down at him with a serious expression.

"...but do I look like someone who got good grades?"

Hinata gasped like everyone was against him as he falls to his knees. Everyone watched as Seiya frowned a little, the red head sighed and walked up to him.

"Hinata, I'm sure you don't have to worry this much about it." Seiya tried to reassure him.

Hinata turned and stared at him. "I've never got a double-digit score on any of my quizzes. Will I still be okay?" Hinata asked innocently. Seiya just blinked at his words.

"Is... Is he actually serious?"

Seiya twitched his eye, and just backed away as Hinata continued to have a vacant expression. Seiya couldn't help but glance over to Nishinoya and Tanaka, to see how they were doing, only to jump back when they were on their knees praying.

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