⁽ ¹¹ ⁾ "ᴄᴏɴᴅᴜᴄᴛᴏʀs"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on december 24th, 2020 @ 2:16pm

»»————- ⚜ ————-««


SEIYA AND HIS TEAMMATES WATCH from the stands above the court, their eyes focusing on Aoba Johsai's game. Seiya watched as Oikawa did a jump serve that made the ball swerve to the side and get a point. "What? Again?" Hinata asked, shaking.

"Even I have to admit, he's good." Seiya commented.

"That's his fourth ace served in a row." Asahi stated as Seiya looked over at the score.

Aoba Johsai




"I somewhat feel bad for the other team. They're seriously losing, and it's the second set. There's no way they can make a comeback." Seiya stated in his head.

"His power goes without saying, but that control is pretty nasty too." Ukai commented from behind Hinata.

"But if they can do something about that serve..." Hinata spoke but trailed off.

"It's true that his serves are scary, but Oikawa, as a setter, is completely unknown to us." Sugawara spoke, staring down at the game.

Seiya watched as Oikawa did another jump serve, the opposing team managed to save the ball as the ball goes up in the air, however, it was Aoba Johsai's chance ball as Seiya saw a player from Aoba Johsai receive the ball.

Oikawa gets into his setting position. "You know, setters... are like orchestra conductors." Seiya heard Ukai mumble from behind. Seiya glanced at him. "Even if you have the same song and same orchestra, if the conductor is different, the sound is different."

Seiya nodded in agreement. He was originally a setter back in junior high, so he knew what Ukai said was true. He looked over to see Oikawa toss the ball to Iwaizumi, who spikes the ball onto the court and getting a point for his team.

Iwaizumi scores another point for his team as the audience for Aoba Johsai cheers. "How do I put this... They've got a very smooth transition." Sugawara mumbled.

Seiya saw that Kageyama was concentrated on the game. "Oikawa and Iwaizumi, that #4 on the left. Apparently those two have been on the same team since grade school. They're linked, both mentally and physically." Kageyama explained.

"Childhood friends, huh? That makes them even more dangerous then they already are." Seiya thinks to himself. "Being childhood friends with Sawamura, I should know."

"I don't really think the second-year setter's level was lower in the practice match. I mean, they're Seijoh." Ukai stated as Takeda nodded.

"Right." Takeda agreed.

"I think it's just that Oikawa knows everything there is to know about Seijoh's team and is helping them bring out their A-game." Ukai continued as everyone was silent. Seiya stared at Oikawa, who was serving again.

"The Great King is so awesome!"

Everyone looked over at Hinata who was beaming down, Nishinoya was also looking excited. "I want to hurry up and play him!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Yeah! I hope he aims his serves at me!" Nishinoya added in determination.

"I totally want to get them!"

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