⁽ ³⁰ ⁾ "sɪᴍᴘʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴘᴜʀᴇ sᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜ"

786 35 7

A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on september 21st, 2021 @ 5:44am

»»————- ⚜ ————-««


SEIYA ALMOST FLINCHED WHEN YAMAGUCHI almost got a ball spiked to the head by the tall player from Kakugawa. Luckily, Yamaguchi wasn't hurt. Seiya walked over to Yamaguchi and lightly dragged his junior away from the incoming spikes before the match began.


Both teams lined up as they bowed.

"Let's have a good game!"

Once Karasuno was done with their huddle, they headed onto the court. Seiya stared at the tall player from the opposite side of the court as he narrowed his eyes.

"Seiya, can you hear me?" Sora asked in his head.

"What's wrong, Sora? You never talk to me before a game. Don't tell me you got cold feet." Seiya teased his other half.

"Are you sure we'll be all right?"

Seiya sighed. "Remember what Akaashi told us during the training camp? We need to learn to trust our teammates more. You especially. I think we'll be fine. Whether it's a tall or short player. Karasuno will come out victorious in the end." He said.

"You're right about that one. Everyone is pretty amazing." Sora agreed.

"Tsukishima, nice serve!"

Tsukishima serves the ball as a player from Kakugawa received it. The ball goes to the setter as the setter tosses the ball to the tallest player, Seiya runs over towards Hinata and Kageyama as he got ready to block the attack with them.

The three of them jump up, however Seiya clicked his tongue in annoyance when he saw that the tall player was going to smack the ball over them, the ball touched the court, making Kakugawa gain the first point.

The game continues with the ball going up.

"Coming in from the left!"


The ball gets smacked down again by the tall player, Nishinoya shifted over and received the ball back into the air. "Sorry, cover!" Nishinoya announced. Seiya ran over to the ball, watching it as he narrowed his eyes before looking over at Hinata.

"Shoyo, take it!" Seiya encouraged before sending the ball over to Hinata.

Hinata jumps up, Seiya saw how he was going to do a feint, but sadly Hyakuzawa stopped the ball with ease, making the ball go back down on the court and the opposing team getting another point.

Hinata pouted before turning to Seiya. "Sorry!" He apologized as the red head patted his shoulder.

"Don't mind." Seiya reassured him.

"The ball was a little low." Hinata added.

"Seriously, Shoyo. It's fine. Don't worry about it." Seiya said as he turned to find Kakugawa staring at them. They looked away when Seiya caught them staring at them.

"What the heck?"

Seiya looked over and saw Hinata staring at Kageyama who was looking down at his hands. "Why are you moving your fingers like a pervy old man?" Hinata added as Seiya snorted in amusement.


Hinata moves back, scared of the intense aura Kageyama had, as Kageyama went back to look at his hands. "What even is this team?" Seiya thought with a sigh.

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