⁽ ¹² ⁾ "ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ ᴛᴏ̄ʀᴜ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ɢᴇɴɪᴜs"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to a new chapter! Enjoy!

edited on january 17th, 2021 @ 7:42pm

»»————- ⚜ ————-««


KAGEYAMA WALKS AWAY FROM THE net as Oikawa glares at Kageyama's back, before walking away. Hinata bounces over. "That was awesome! You're not losing against the Great King, Kageyama!" Hinata brightly announced, punching the air.

"Even if he is the best overall player in the prefecture, I won't lose to him as a setter." Kageyama declared.

Seiya rolled his eyes. "He's not the best player, at least I'd say so. Even I know there are better players than him." He stated.

He then glanced back at Oikawa. "Also, while I'm talking to you, I wanna state something." Seiya informed, making Kageyama glance at his senpai.

"Don't show off too much to your upperclassman." Seiya said as he gave him a low smirk. "I wanna show some moves to him as well." He added as his teammates stiffen and nodded.

Hinata decided to speak to Kageyama again. "But aren't you serving next?" He asked the first-year setter. "You're on the back line, right?" Hinata quizzed as Kageyama got flustered. "You said you'd do the same thing again, but isn't a dump from the back line illegal?" Hinata stated with a blunt look. Kageyama shakes in embarrassment.

"Shut up! I-I meant when I got back on the front line."

Kageyama, literally waddles away as Hinata had an innocent look on his face. Seiya shook his head and sighed at his juniors tiredly.

"Kageyama, nice serve!" Daichi announced as Kageyama was serving the ball, the refree blows the whistle as Kageyama did a jump serve, however the ball went out, making Seiya groan and shake his head.

Kageyama had an unhappy look. "Don't mind, don't mind." Daichi assured their setter.

"I'm sorry." Kageyama apologized. They got back into their positions. It was Oikawa's turn to serve as he held the ball out with his hand.

"Well, then... I guess I'll have to show you how it's done." Oikawa spoke, as Seiya could hear the girls in the audience squeal for Oikawa, making Seiya roll his eyes in annoyance.

The whistle blew and everyone on Seiya's side, including himself was getting ready to receive his powerful serve. Oikawa throws the ball up, as he ran forward and did a jump serve, however, Seiya noticed that he aimed at Nishinoya. Seiya narrowed his eyes.

"Something wasn't right with that serve." Seiya mentally noted. "That must mean it's coming head on... Wait, it's curving!" Seiya widened his eyes, hoping that Nishinoya knew it was curving. He sighed in relief when Nishinoya predicted where the ball would go, and saves it effortlessly.

"Bring it!" Hinata yelled as he runs forward as Kageyama gets ready to set.

"#10! #10!" A guy from Aoba Johsai yelled as Hinata jumps up, Kageyama pretended he was gonna pass the ball to the right side, but it was a trick, it looked similar to what Kenma did when they had their practice match against Nekoma.

Kageyama tosses the ball to Hinata who spikes it down and got them a point. The two cheer, as Seiya watched from afar, not joining in on the cheering. He looked over at Nishinoya as Hinata beams at Nishinoya and Daichi pats Nishinoya on the back, praising him for saving the ball.

Seiya looked back at Oikawa, to see him tying his shoes, as he was discussing something with his teammate, Kindaichi. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion, Oikawa seemed too calm at the moment. As if he knew something or starting to realize something.

𝗘𝗠𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗢𝗥 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗨𝗥𝗧 ⸺ 𝖲𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗆𝗎𝗋𝖺 𝖣𝖺𝗂𝖼𝗁𝗂Where stories live. Discover now