⁽ ²⁸ ⁾ "ᴀʙᴏᴠᴇ"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to the last chapter of the training camp arc! Enjoy!

edited on september 7th, 2021 @ 4:28pm

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THROUGHOUT THE GAME, Bokuto was different. He didn't do any spikes and always had a blank look on his face, it was amusing for Seiya. He tried to save the incoming volleyball, but was too slow as Fukurōdani gained a point.

It went on like this for a few more times, and Fukurōdani gets another point. Seiya sighed and looked at the scoreboard.





"A tie... How frustrating." Seiya thought, humming in thought. He watched as the ball gets saved and some of the Fukurōdani players get ready to run, making Seiya think what Akaashi might do. Kageyama who was going to block was most likely wondering the same thing. However, Seiya widened his eyes when Akaashi didn't toss to anyone and performed a setter dump, gaining a point for his team.

"I probably should've saw that coming..." Seiya mumbled, as Tsukishima and Kageyama looked annoyed by this. They continued with the game as Asahi spiked the ball down but the libero receives it, the ball goes up and Seiya kept his eyes trained on it.

The ball gets spiked as Seiya tried to save it, but it bounced off his arms, making the red head hiss a little, and then groaned when Fukurōdani got another point.

"Damn it. They're at match point now." Seiya thinks to himself as the game continued. He smirked when Kageyama and Tsukishima blocked the volleyball and they get a point.

"Whoa!" Konoha exclaimed, surprised by the block.

"Totally shut out!" Sugawara, Hinata and Yamaguchi exclaimed from the sidelines. It was now Asahi's turn to serve as Seiya watched him concentrate, the ball goes over the net but got saved as Akaashi praised the receive and got into position to set.

He noticed that Bokuto was getting restless, as he kept giving begging glances to Akaashi, Seiya narrowed his eyes, already knowing who Akaashi was going to set too. "Damn... This is going to hurt my arms real bad, I just know it." He thought.

Seiya watched as Akaashi tossed the ball, Tsukishima and Kageyama watched it and both widened their eyes in realization as they follow the ball, as Seiya saw Bokuto charging forward, slamming down the volleyball powerfully. Seiya dived down to save it, however it hits his arms instead and bounces back on his team's side of the court. He winced at the pain.


Everyone was panting as the game ended with Fukurōdani winning. Seiya sighed and rubbed his arms as they were sore and turning red. "I knew Bokuto was a powerful ace but damn." He noted.

He looked back to the opposing team to see Akaashi nod over to his three teammates who nod back and turn to Bokuto with smiles on their faces.

"Whoo! Ace!"

"That was awesome!"

"In the end, it just has to be the ace!"

"Birds of prey!"

"Your hair's like a great horned owl!"

Seiya sweat dropped at the last comment before he heard Bokuto chuckle as it turned into loud laughter with a large grin on his face. "In the end, I am the strongest!" Bokuto announced as he lifted his arms up, his teammates doing the same, as Akaashi just walked away.

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