⁽ ⁵⁷ ⁾ "ʜᴜɴɢᴇʀ"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Also, Seiya will finally be making a reappearance! Enjoy!

edited on may 9th, 2022 @ 3:47am

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"IS SOMETHING UP WITH KAGEYAMA TODAY?" Hitaki asked, noticing that Kageyama was in some sort of trance.

"You mean physically? No, I can't think of anything."

Hitaki hummed in thought. "Come to think of it, when Kageyama was in junior high, he caused a buzz with a headline like, "A Promising Genius Setter in Miyagi Prefecture!" I thought he'd fulfill that promise in his third year of junior high, but I didn't hear about him at all." The man stated.

"'Genius,' huh? I'm not sure what the actual definition for genius is, but I personally think they're the furthest away from perfect. That's what makes them interesting, though." Hitaki admitted.

Back in Shiratorizawa's gymnaisum the next day, another practice match was going on as the ball was currently up in the air.

"Free ball!"

Kunimi gets ready to set the ball as Hinata widened his eyes. "This is... a fake set!" He realized. Kunimi then tosses the ball over on the other side of the net.

"Not so fast!" Goshiki thought, receiving the ball.

Both Goshiki and Kunimi looked at each other challengingly. "He actually read that!" Kindaichi thinks to himself.

"Get the last!" Tsukishima called out, tossing the ball up in which Goshiki runs forward and spikes it.

He looks back to Tsukishima in irritation. "The toss was too low and sloppy!" He complained.

"Sorry." Tsukishima apologized. "I know I suck at overhand passes."

"Watching Tsukishima get yelled at is new." Hinata thinks to himself.

"There are only two of you on the court. There's no one to cover for your mistakes." Anabara thought as Hyakuzawa received the ball and Hayashi tossed it up.

"They should aim for Hyakuzawa when they hit it back over. He's easier to break then Kunimi."

"But if Hyakuzawa is the one getting the ball first, he's going to be the one who hits it last." Hinata argued. "If he can get a high set, he'll probably hit it over. He's really good at hitting high tosses."

"He doesn't seem that great at defense, but he's got plenty of stamina." Koganegawa pointed out.

"And he's got a long reach, so even when you think you're getting a hit in..." Kindaichi began. Tuskishima spiked the ball as Hyakuzawa receives it. "he'll touch the ball."

"Thanks to Hinata, he really is relaxing." Goshiki thinks to himself.

"Get the last!" Kunimi called out, sending the ball over.

"That's definitely not an easy ball to hit. Should I step back rather than trying to jump for a block? No, but Hyakuzawa's... gonna go for that spike!" Tsukishima thinks to himself, before jumping up to block him.

Tsukishima moves his palms backwards, blocking Hyakuzawa's spike. "One touch!" He shouted towards Goshiki who receives the ball.

"Nice one!"

"Nice follow-through!"

Tsukishima gets into setting position before tossing the ball over towards Goshiki. "Crap... It might've drifted." He thought.

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