⁽ ⁰⁹ ⁾ "ᴛʜᴇ ɪʀᴏɴ ᴡᴀʟʟ"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on december 10th, 2020 @ 1:17am

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"GAUGING FROM THEIR FIRST MATCH, they'll start off with a powerful serve. The serve breaks for formation, then they block your return. Dateko's strategy is to attack those who can't keep up. So, for the first serve, make sure your receive is solid." Ukai informed as the team gathered around him.


Ukai smirked and looked over at Kageyama. "You know what to do. Right, Kageyama?" Ukai asked.

"Yes." Kageyama replied, nodding. Seiya raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

"All right. Now, go tear down the iron wall!" Ukai announced with pride.


Daichi made the team huddle, as they put their heads together. "Karasuno. Fight!" Daichi yelled.

"Yeah!" The rest of the team shouted back.

They all get into positions, Seiya was in the front with Kageyama, Hinata with Asahi, and Nishinoya and Daichi in the back.


"Bring it on!" Nishinoya yelled.

"Let's do this!" Tanaka shouted from the sidelines.

Seiya watched as the guy from Dateko serves. "Kamasaki, nice serve." A teammate of his shouts, as Kamasaki spikes the ball over the net. "Daichi." Nishinoya called out as the ball went over to their captain, who saves it.

"Nice receive." Kageyama praised as he gets under the ball to set, Kageyama jumps up as Hinata jumps up to spike. However, Seiya widened his eyes when he saw that the team member with no eyebrows notices where Hinata was and went over to block.

Hinata gave the ball a soft hit, as the ball touches the ground on the other side of the court, Karasuno got a point, but just barely.

"All right! Nice spike, Hinata!" Tanaka yelled from the sides, cheering on Hinata. Seiya watched as the big guy with no eyebrows walked away from the net as he narrowed his eyes at him.

"He can do a block read... How troublesome." Seiya thinks to himself.

Soon it was Kageyama's turn to serve, as he spun the ball. "Kageyama, nice serve." Daichi encouraged.

"Nice serve. Let's score." Hinata added. Seiya just stared ahead. Kageyama did a jump serve, however, the ball was going to Dateko's libero.

The libero saves it as Seiya kept his eyes on the ball, the guy with no eyebrows spikes it down, however, Nishinoya was there to save the ball. "Akashi, sorry. Cover." Nishinoya spoke up as Seiya nodded and got ready to cover for him.

"All right." Seiya assured as he held his arms out.

"Back!" Asahi announced his way, making him glance over and nod.

"Asahi!" Seiya called out to him, sending the ball over. Asahi jumps up and spikes down the ball, however, he got blocked, making Seiya click his tongue at this. He thought back to their match against Dateko last year. Asahi was devastated. He didn't want that to happen again.

Dateko had gained a point when the ball dropped to Karasuno's side of the court. "Damn." Nishinoya growled.

"Don't worry about it. Don't worry! Switch it up." Seiya heard Ukai yell from the benches.

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