⁽ ³⁷ ⁾ "ᴡɪᴘɪɴɢ ᴏᴜᴛ"

893 37 1

A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on november 14th, 2021 @ 4:53pm

»»————- ⚜ ————-««


EVERYONE WAS PRACTICING BEFORE THE official game started. "Make sure you're all vocal!" Daichi announced. "All right!" Some of his teammates responded.

"Yeah!" Asahi and Nishinoya shouted in unison, making Seiya chuckle.

Seiya feels someone staring at him, making him look over to see that it was only Oikawa. In which he smirked at him. Oikawa sent a challenging smirk back at the red head, until a volleyball rolled into his view.

Oikawa crouched down to pick it up, but Seiya sweat dropped when Kageyama did the same as the two setters glared at each other.

"Well, well, if it isn't little Tobio who got a good whipping from me last time." Oikawa taunted.

"We've come to win this time." Kageyama hissed as they continued to fight over the ball.

"I definitely put you in your place last time! I only have one guy left on my list: Ushiwaka! I will make you stand aside again, Tobio!" Oikawa announced as he released the ball, making Kageyama fall backwards as Oikawa laughed.

"Take that!"

Oikawa laughed again, making Seiya deadpan at him. "Is he really a third-year?" He questioned as Sugawara and Hinata were beside him.

"It's way too early to let Oikawa get to him." Sugawara added on with Hinata shaking in his spot, trying to control his laugh.

Seiya walked over to Kageyama and helped him up. "Don't let him get to you. We'll win and you'll get your payback." He reassured him with a smirk, making Kageyama tense a little but nod in agreement. Seiya lightly pushed Kageyama forward.

"Now get going and practice!" He informed.

"R-Right!" Kageyama responded before he jogged off. Seiya picked the volleyball up and gave it a few bounces before glancing over at Nishinoya.

"Hey, Yuu!" Seiya called out, making Nishinoya look over. The red head held up the volleyball, indicating that he wanted to spike and have him receive it. He blinked before grinning knowingly as he gets in position.

Seiya threw the ball up before jumping up and hitting it over to Nishinoya, who leaned a little to the left and saved the ball. "Oh! Nice spike Akashi-san!" Nishinoya praised his upperclassman, who gave him a peace sign in return.

Suddenly, a loud smack was heard, making Seiya jump and turn to the source only to realize it was just Kiyoko smacking a ball away from Yachi as the ball almost struck her.

Tanaka grabs a ball, holding a smirk on his face as he gave the ball back to the Aoba Johsai member, who Seiya saw to be Yahaba, who looked both shocked and nervous. Yahaba thanked Tanaka before heading back to his side of the court.

However, Seiya watched as the same guy from his team, wearing the Number 16 jersey accidently walk into him, making Yahaba fall down. Number 16 just stared before walking away.

"It might just be my gut feeling talking, but I don't like the looks of their new player." Sora spoke to Seiya.

"I'm the exact same way, Sora. We should keep an eye on him."

"I agree."

»»————- ⚜ ————-««

Everyone lined up as the two captains shook hands before the game began. They did a coin toss as Karasuno was up to receive first whereas Aoba Johsai would be the one serving.

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