⁽ ²⁵ ⁾ "ɪʟʟᴜsɪᴏɴᴀʀʏ ʜᴇʀᴏ"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on august 16th, 2021 @ 11:50am

»»————- ⚜ ————-««


SEIYA JUMPED HIGH AND SPIKED down the ball as it got past Kuroo and Bokuto. "Oh! That was awesome, Seiya!" Bokuto praised.

"Thanks." Seiya said before turning to Akaashi. "That was a great toss as well, Akaashi." He added as Akaashi turned red and just nodded in appreciation.

It was dark out as their practice had ended hours ago. He has been hanging out with Bokuto, Kuroo, and Akaashi for some extra practice. It helped Seiya out a lot due to him being an all-rounder.

As he was training with his fellow third-years and second-year, he was surprised when he saw Tsukishima walk in and stare at them. Seiya and Akaashi were the first ones to notice him as he paused their practice.

"Oya?" Akaashi said as Tsukishima blinked. Bokuto turned and saw Tsukishima as he smirked.

"Oya, Oya?"

Soon Kuroo came over and had the same grin on his face.

"Oya, Oya, oya..."

Tsukishima sighed and walked over to them. "There's something I'd like to ask you. May I?" He asked, looking mostly towards the third-years, which made the two grin.

"Sure!" They replied in unison, curious to see what Tsukishima wanted to know. Seiya was interested as well.

"Thank you very much. Both of your schools are sometimes considered powerhouse schools, right?" He asked, making Kuroo and Bokuto slightly tense a little.

"Well, yeah." Kuroo replied.

"Even if you were able to make it to nationals, actually winning there would be difficult, right?" Tsukishima questioned as Atsushi glanced at the two captains.

"But not impossible!" Bokuto exclaimed as Akaashi calmed him down.

"Now, now, let's hear him out." Akaashi informed as Seiya nodded.

"He's just talking hypothetically." He added as the two calmed down.

"I am generally curious about this. Why do you get so desperate to do all this? Volleyball is just a club, and maybe you'll get to write, "I worked really hard in my club in high school," on your resume, right?" Tsukishima asked as Seiya slightly winced at his words.

"Funny enough... I used to have the same mindset as Tsukishima..."

Seiya watched as Bokuto narrowed his eyes.

"Just a club?"

Tsukishima flinched a little as everyone watched Bokuto.

"That almost sounds like someone's name."

"Huh?" Seiya thought, confused about what he said. Kuroo gasped in realization as he looked at Bokuto with surprise.

"Oh, like Mary Club?"

Akaashi, Tsukishima, and Seiya stare at the two with unimpressed looks as they continued talking.

"No wait, I guess it was "just some club."

"Aw, man! So, it doesn't sound like someone's name. Man, I was so close!"

"Damn it!"

"Would it be better if I made a retort?" Tsukishima asked Akaashi who turned to look at him.

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