⁽ ¹⁰ ⁾ "ɢᴜᴀʀᴅɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙᴀᴄᴋ"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on december 16th, 2020 @ 1:48am

»»————- ⚜ ————-««


"CHANCE BALL!" Daichi yells as Seiya sees the volleyball go into the air. Kageyama tosses it over at Tanaka who lets out a battle cry and spiked it down, getting Karasuno a point.

"All right!" Tanaka cheered.

"Nice kill!" Sugawara praised as Seiya sighed and looked over at the scoreboard.





"It's still only the first set..." Seiya mentally noted as he turned his attention to the game once more.

"Tsukishima, one more. Nice serve!" Tanaka encouraged as Tsukishima serves the ball, the ball gets saved by Dateko, as everyone kept it in play.

Seiya watched as Aone spiked the ball down, Hinata managed to one touch it. "Counter!" Ukai shouted.

"Chance ball." Nishinoya informed as the ball goes to Kageyama as he tosses it up to Hinata.

"Don't underestimate us!" Futakuchi exclaimed but his shout was in vain as Hinata spikes the ball and got Karasuno a point.

It was now set point for Karasuno, making Seiya grin a little.

Seiya observed as Daichi saves the volleyball from a Dateko player. "Give me a toss!" Hinata beamed at Kageyama as he gets ready to set, Hinata jumps up to spike but he was a decoy as it was Asahi once more to spike down the volleyball.

Asahi gets passed Aone who saw the tactic but Asahi had a powerful spike, so the ball got through and Karasuno got a point.

"All right!" Narita, Sugawara, and Yamaguchi announced. Karasuno had won the first set.


Dateko and Karasuno all leave the court to rest and take a break before the second set. "Sora, can you help me give these out?" Kiyoko asked, as she holds up a rack of water bottles.

"Sure." Seiya replied as he helped her out. Suddenly, Ukai calls them over so the team surrounded him as he holds up a board.

"So, we're going to start the second set with our second rotation." Ukai informed as Seiya looked at the whiteboard. Seiya was at the back with Kageyama and Tsukishima, Tanaka was going to be on the sides with Sugawara and the others, this time.

"The first rotation directly matched up Hinata and no-eyebrows #7, so we'll shift that over two places to start." Ukai explained.

"I see. That means Hinata won't get marked by #7 like he was in the first set." Takeda stated, Hinata had a blank look on his face but didn't say anything.

"But we can't completely avoid that. All we're doing is shifting players around." Ukai said. "While Hinata won't get marked, but the other players will get marked instead."

"We can't let Hinata shoulder all our burden. When Hinata's at his best, we're at our best. I'll do my part as the ace." Asahi spoke up as everyone looked over to him.

Nishinoya, Tanaka, Seiya, Sugawara, and Daichi all looked at their friend. "Asahi, you're awesome!" Nishinoya and Tanaka exclaimed happily.

"You've grown, Asahi." Daichi praised.

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