⁽ ⁰⁴ ⁾ "ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴇᴋᴏ-ᴋᴀʀᴀsᴜ ʀᴇᴜɴɪᴏɴ"

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on october 27th, 2020 @ 4:39pm

»»————- ⚜ ————-««


KARASUNO FOLLOWED THE NEKOMA TEAM into the building as Seiya saw Hinata run up to the same guy he saw when he went to find him. "Kenma!" He shouted making the guy, known as Kenma, to pause and stare at him. "Hey, you're with Nekoma?" Hinata asked with shock.

"Oh. Yeah." Kenma replied, looking away.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hinata whined.

"Because you didn't ask..." Kenma replied, making Hinata confused.

"But you said 'see you soon.' You must've known something." Hinata stated as Kenma looked at the orange haired boy.

"Your t-shirt said 'Karasuno High School.'" Kenma replied.

"Hey, hey, hey."

Seiya noticed one of Kenma's teammates who had short, thick eyebrows and a mohawk that was dyed blonde, giving him a intimidating appearance. He also had cat-like eyes, similar to most of Nekoma's members.

"Ryu 2.0... What a pain." Seiya thought as he sighed to himself.

"What business might you have with our setter?" He hissed, making Hinata nervous as he backed up.

"It's fine." Kenma reassured his teammate as Hinata was shaking like a leaf.

"S-Sorry..." Hinata apologized as he bumped into Tanaka who radiated the same energy as the other guy.

"You too... What business might you have with our first year?" Tanaka hissed back. Seiya stared at the two with a blank look, watching the scene unfold.

"Is there a problem?"

"Wanna fight, city boy?"

Sugawara looked at Tanaka with an annoyed look. "We're going to 'fight.' That's why we're here to play the match. And stop the 'city boy' thing. It's embarrassing." He scolded.

"Yamamoto, you're always quick to pick a fight. Stop it. It makes you look stupid." A guy with light brown hair and eyes and short added.

Sugawara and the guy started apologizing for their teammates. "I'm on a team full of idiots..." Seiya thinks to himself.

Kiyoko walked over to him. "You okay, Sora? You seem distracted." She asked. Seiya turned to smile at the manager. "I'm fine, Kiyoko. I'm just wondering how Seiya puts up with his idiotic teammates." He replied as Kiyoko giggled a bit.

He suddenly heard Yamamoto yell making Seiya look over to see him staring at him and Kiyoko. "A lady... manager... beauty... cute boy... as well..." Yamamoto stuttered, backing away.

"Score!" A Nekoma member exclaimed.

"A lady manager! And a cute guy too!" The other added.

"We win yakisoba bread!" The two shouted in unison.

"Setter..." Seiya heard Kageyama mumble making him look at his kouhai with confusion.

Karasuno walked into the gymnasium where Hinata is instantly amazed by it. "Wow, the ceiling's so high!" Hinata exclaimed.

"This is normal." Kageyama stated bluntly.

Seiya looked over to see Daichi smiling at what he guessed was the captain of Nekoma. He was lean with broad shoulders, well-built arms, and a muscular frame. He had narrowed eyes and hazel-colored cat-like eyes. His hair was black and looked like bed head. He also had fringe on his right side that covered his right eye.

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