1- First Day

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y/n pov
6 am
I woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm. Reaching over to my side table, I reached to grab my phone and turn it off. As i was rubbing my eyes open, I caught a glimpse of my lock screen. "Today's my first day!" I shrieked as energy swarmed through my body. Today is my first day working for The Avengers as their new manager. There was a job opening last month for the position, and I was still in awe that they picked me. This has been my dream job since- I can't even remember when.

I put on a "dress to impress" outfit, made my favorite starbucks mocha iced coffee then was out the door. I left my apartment before the sun was even peaking over the horizon, there was no way I was going to be late on my first day.

*reference to outfit*

Turns out the compound is a lot closer to my house than I thought so I was there painfully early

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Turns out the compound is a lot closer to my house than I thought so I was there painfully early. "Might as well go in" I muttered to myself.

Walking into the large building, I was greeted by a teenage boy "Hi, I'm y/n." I said extending my hand for a shake.

He gave me a blank look and then it's like his brain clicked, "Oh! Our new manager." He took my hand in both of his and gave it a gentle shake. "I'm Peter Parker. We're all really looking forward to you being here, follow me." He gave me a warm smile and led me to an elevator.
As we stepped into the elevator and the doors closed, an electronic voice started talking. "Good morning Mr. Parker. Which floor"

"Main floor please." Peter looked back at me and I gave him a confused look. "It's AI named FRIDAY, you'll get used to it." The doors slid open and Tony Stark was stood in front of the door, waiting for me I assumed.

"Ah, you must be y/n! Welcome!" He said while shaking my hand.

"Mr.Stark, so nice to meet you."

After a somewhat awkward greeting from the genius billionaire, a man and a women walked into the foyer. "Hi, I'm Nat. You must be the new manager?" She said with a smile as she walked towards Tony and I.

I nodded. "Yes, hi. I'm y/n"

"You're going to love it here, but watch out for Steve." She said nudging the incredibly handsome man next to him.

"Hi darling, I'm Steve Rodgers." He said charmingly. He gave me a wink and then walked away with Nat.

"Don't worry about Steve, he's just being a flirt, per usual. Can I give you a tour of the compound?" Tony asked putting his hand out and leading me down one of the halls. "Since you're going to be our manager, you'll have to live on campus. You're room is pretty isolated though, there's only one other person living on that floor."

"Wow, thank you so much Mr. Stark!" I exclaimed in awe of how modern the compound was.

"Please, feel free to call me Tony. Only Peter still calls me Mr. Stark." He said chuckling.

Finally, we made it to my floor where my room. "Here's you." He said opening the door to a gigantic room. "I assume you already have all your stuff in the car? If not, feel free to run home and grab anything but make it quick."

"Oh yeah, it's all in my car." Thank goodness I packed it all last night.

"Alright, then have at it. See you later and welcome to the team, y/n, we're excited to have you."

"I'm looking forward to working with each of you. Thank you, Tony." I gave him a smile as he closed my door. Only one other person on this floor, huh? Hopefully it's Steve, he seems like a good "hall mate"

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