16- Mission

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Bucky pov

As I was heading back to the compound, I got a text from y/n in the Avengers group chat that read, "Hydra Base to take down, everyone suit up and meet by the quinjet."

Great, another mission. I walked up to my room, "Hey Veronica, I think you should head back to your place. We have a mission and I don't know when I'll be back."

"Oh okay," She said getting up from the bed, "Did you have a nice walk?"

"Yes," I lied.

"Okay, well be safe." She kissed me and left the room.

I suited up, washed my face so my eyes would puff down and headed to the hangar. I saw y/n, Steve, Nat and Clint all ready. "Where are the others?"

"I don't know. Y/n, can you go round them up?" Nat asked.

Y/n left and now it was just the four of us.

"Bucky, let's talk." Nat said leading me away from the guys. "Y/n talked to you, didn't she?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, you look like shit," She laughed at her own joke and I rolled my eyes. "And you said no.. didn't you?"

"I'm really happy with Veronica right now."

"I know, I just want you to know, Y/N and Hank broke up..."

"I know, she told me."

"They broke up because she was still in love with you. And I think you have a right to know that." Nat patted my back and walked back to the group.

Just then, y/n came back with everyone.

"Okay, let's go take down this base guys." Steve said while attaching his shield.

We boarded the quinjet, as we took off, I looked at y/n standing in the hangar watching us leave. They broke up because of me? I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Okay guys, let's do this quick and easy. Place the bombs, run and meet back here." Steve said getting ready to land.

As soon as we landed, we all ran out of the quinjet and headed towards the base.

"3 groups by the entrance"

"Only two now" Sam flew above me.

"I just took out another group" I said.

"Great, I just took out the last one." Tony said

"In we go."

Wanda and I were greeted by a dead-end and two hallways going opposite directions. "You take left, I'll go right. Maintain contact."

I headed right and took out a couple guards. We needed to get to the heart of the building to place the bombs. A smoke bomb rolled out from the shadows, I tried running but it exploded, knocking me to the ground. "Hello Sargent Barnes." A familiar voice from the shadows started talking to me. "Nice to see you again."


A large man stepped out, a scar covering half his face. "About time we were reunited." He smirked while pulling out a syringe.

"Oh buddy, have you gained some weight since we last met?" I asked getting up into a ready stance.

"Shut up Barnes."

"Calling for backup in the right wing." Wait, where is my ear piece? Shit.

"Sounds like your buddies aren't coming to help."

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