6- Cookies

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y/n pov
a couple hours later
"Okay guys, looks like you got a mission." I said walking into the gym. "Hostage situation down at the museum. 25 hostages, 30 HYDRA agents to get past inside. Suit up."

Everyone suited up and hopped into the quinjet. Before Steve boarded, I pulled him aside, "Stay safe Cap." I kissed him on the cheek and sent him off. Hopefully Bucky didn't see that.

While they were away, I just sat around. Answered some emails, managed the social media accounts for the team and then I figured they would be back soon so I baked Bucky's favorite, oatmeal cookies. I wanted to cheer him up and apologize for whatever I did.

Just as the cookies were finished baking, the quinjet arrived in the hangar. Within minutes, they would be up here so I hurried to get the cookies ready for Bucky.

"Y/n please tell me those are oatmeal cookies I smell?" Bucky said walking out of the elevator.

"Surprise!" I said handing him one.

He took a huge bite, "Just like how you used to make them."

I saw a gash in his forehead and yelped. "Bucky, what the hell happened? Let's get you fixed up." I took his hand and led him to the infirmary down the hall.

As I was stitching up his head he pulled another cookie out of his pocket. "How'd ya sneak that in there?" I asked giggling.

"A magician never reveals his secret." He smirked as he took a bite.

I was standing in between his legs looking down on him when he put his hands on my waist. Butterflies tingled around my whole body. His cold metal arm made me shiver as it collided with my skin.

Bucky pov
I looked up at her while she was fixing my cut. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked.
She looked down and met my eyes, "Can I help you Mr.Barnes?" I loved it when she called me that.
"You look beautiful right now. I mean you always do. I don't remember a time where you weren't. I think it's impos..." He started trailing off.

" What is happening to you James? You're calling me beautiful, telling me you missed me? How hard did you get hit?" She asked as she poked a bruise on my head.

I winced. She made a face that said sorry and she rest her cold finger on the bruise as she trailed her hand to my hair that she started fiddling with. "I'm just happy you're back in my life." I had almost forgot I was holding her waist, and I don't think she cared because she didn't tell me to let go.

"Awe Bucky, you're so cute. I don't know what I would do if you didn't come home one day."

I looked at her and I think she actually meant that. Was I winning her over? God, I loved this girl.

Finally, I was all stitched up but I wish I had a longer, deeper cut, I wanted to stay with her in that moment forever.

"So can we talk tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll meet you in your room before I go to bed." She said softly.

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