Chapter 1- PoA

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"I'm warning you, Hermione, keep that beast away from Scabbers... Or I'll turn it into a tea cosy," Ron says.

"It's a cat, Ronald," Hermione says holding Crookshanks. "What do you expect?" She asks. "It's in his nature," she adds.

"A cat? Is that what they told you?" Ron scoffs. "Looks like a pig with hair," Ron remarks.

"That's rich... coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush," Hermione says rolling her eyes.

"Crookshanks, just ignore the mean little boy," she whispers to her cat stroking him. Ron looks ahead of Hermione.

"Harry," he breathes. Hermione turns around.

"Harry!" Hermione beams.

"Egypt. What's it like?" Harry asks.

"Brilliant. Loads of old stuff... like mummies, tombs, even Scabbers enjoyed himself,"

Egyptians used to worship cats," Hermione points out.

"Along with the dung beetle," Ron adds.

"Not flashing that clipping again?" The twins both say.

"I haven't shown anyone," Ron growls defensively.

"No, not a soul," The twins say.

"Not unless you count Tom,"

"The day maid,"

"Night maid,"


"The bloke who fixed the toilet," The twins list.

"Harry," Molly calls out.

"Mrs Weasley," Harry greets.

"Good to see you, dear," she says politely.

"Good to see you."

"Got everything?" She asks.


"Yes? All your books?" Molly double checks.

"It's all upstairs."

"Your clothes?"


"Good boy." Molly smiles.

"Do you know when my sister is getting here?" Harry asks.

"She should be here any minute now," Molly says. Harry smiles and nods

"Harry Potter,"

"Mr Weasley."

"Harry, wonder if I might have a word?"

"Yeah, sure."


"Good morning, Mr Weasley." Hermione greets.

"Looking forward to a new term?" Arthur asks Harry leading him to somewhere quiet.

"Yeah. It should be great." Arthur goes to say something but is cut off by the sound of the twins screaming. "Elizabeth!" George says loudly. Harry hears Elizabeth laugh.

"Go see your sister," Arthur says to Harry. Harry smiles at him gratefully.

"Elizabeth!" Harry says. Elizabeth immediately elopes him in a hug. "How's Mary and Dave?" He asks.

"As good as can be when your being searched for," just 3 weeks ago Elizabeth was told that Mary and Dave were being searched for. Voldemort wanted them dead. He has for ages. So the deatheaters took on that mission. Harry nods to show he understands.

"I have to speak to Mr Weasley, I'll be back," Harry says leaving Elizabeth to catch up with Hermione and Ginny. 

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