Chapter 18- OOTP

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"Harry!" Elizabeth ran down the aisle of the Great Hall where everyone was eating.

"Nice sleep?" Harry asked when she sat down. She nodded hurriedly. She unfolded what looked to be the Daily Prophet. She pointed to something. Harry raised an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes and began to read it out in a hushed voice.

"The Ministry of Magic has received a tip-off from a reliable source that Sirius Black, notorious mass murderer...blah blah blah... is currently hiding in London." Elizabeth looked at the three who looked worried.

"Lucius Malfoy if anyone," Harry said in a low, furious voice. "He did recognise him at the platform..."

"What?" Elizabeth asked.

"You didn't say-" Ron said, looking alarmed.

"Shhh," Hermione said. Elizabeth looks down and reads more.

"Ministry warns Wizarding community that Black is very dangerous... killed 13 people... broke out of Azkaban."

"The usual rubbish."

"Trespass at the Ministry, Sturgis Podmore, 38, of number two, Laburnum Gardens, Clapham, has appeared in front of the Wizengamot charged with trespass and attempted robbery at the Ministry of Magic on 31st August. Podmore was arrested by Ministry of Magic watch-wizard Eric Munch, who found him attempting to force his way through a top-security door at one o'clock in the morning. Podmore, who refused to speak on his own defence, was convicted on both charges and sentenced to six months in Azkaban."

"Sturgis Podmore?" Said Ron slowly. "He's that bloke who looks like his head's been thatched, isn't he? He's one of the Ord-"

"Ron, shhh," said Hermione, casting a terrified look around them.

"Six months in Azkaban!" Whispered Harry, shocked. "Just for trying to get through a door!"

"Don't be silly, it wasn't just for trying to get through a door. What on earth was he doing at the ministry at one o'clock in the morning?" Breathed Hermione.

"Do you reckon he was doing something for the Order?" Ron muttered.

"Wait a moment..." Madison said slowly. "Sturgis was supposed to come and see us off, Remember?" The three look at her.

"Yeah, he was supposed to be apart of our guard going to King's Cross, remember? And Moody was all annoyed because he didn't turn up; so he couldn't have been on a job for them, could he?"

"Well, maybe they didn't expect him to get caught," said Hermione.

"It could be a frame-up!" Ron exclaimed excitedly. "No- Listen!" He went on, dropping his voice dramatically at the threatening look on Hermione's face. "The Ministry suspects he's one of Dumbledore's lot so- I dunno- they lured him to the Ministry, and he wasn't trying to get through a door at all! Maybe they've just made something up to get him!" There was a pause while Harry, Hermione and Elizabeth considered this. Harry thought it was far-fetched. Hermione and Elizabeth, on the other hand, looked rather impressed.

"Do you know, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that were true," Hermione said. Elizabeth folded up her half of the newspaper thoughtfully. 

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