Chapter 11- PoA

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The next morning, Hermione, Liz and Harry sit around Ron's bed. His leg was broken but nothing major. They got a word this morning that Sirius had been caught and was waiting for the dementor's kiss. Harry and Elizabeth felt sick to the stomach when they heard it. They knew he was innocent but Fudge was too thick to realise it. Harry now knows the truth on what happened to his parents and he agreed with Elizabeth that they couldn't lose another family member. Elizabeth knew that due to Snape letting everyone know that Remus was a werewolf, he'd lose his job a Hogwarts. Either that or he'd resign. That's why he was so protective of Elizabeth. He wouldn't live with his self if she was hurt.

"Sorry Ron, but you'll have to stay here. Elizabeth, take care of him," Hermione says. She nods and watches a Hermione take out a necklace and fiddles with it. They completely disappear until the doors open. "What- how- how'd you get there? You were just there!" Ron stutters.

"What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione asks.

"I don't know," Harry chuckles. "Honestly Ron, how can someone be in two places at once?"

On the way to Lupin's classroom, Harry explained to Elizabeth that Hermione had a time-turner. They both managed to get back to earlier, save Buckbeak and rescue Sirius from their fate. Elizabeth thought that that was amazing. Elizabeth was so happy that Sirius had escaped.

They reached the empty classroom. They walk up the stairs and was about to knock when Remus' voice comes from inside. "Hey, you two."

Elizabeth and Harry share a confused look. Lupin turns towards them and points to a map. "Saw you come in," Elizabeth looks around and notices his stuff was packed. She then looks at Remus who had a bandage on his hand and loads of scratches. He notices her reaction.

"I've looked worse, believe me," Harry notices his trunk.

"You've been sacked?" Remus looks at him.

"No, I've resigned actually,"

"Why?" Elizabeth asks slightly hurt.

"Well, someone let loose about my... condition to the school. By tomorrow, letters from parents will be written about how they don't want... well want somebody like me teaching their children,"

"But... you're a great professor and Dumbledore-" Harry starts.

"Dumbledore has already risked enough for me," Lupin says. He sighs when he notices Elizabeth's face.

"Liz-" She engulfs him into a hug cutting him off. He puts his stuff down and wraps his arms around her.

"Don't go..." His grip tightens.

"I have to, To keep you and the school safe."

"You could take Care of Magical Creatures!" Harry suggested. Hagrid no longer wanted the position so the job needed someone. Elizabeth lets go.

"That's not a bad idea," Remus thinks. "I'll speak to Dumbledore," Elizabeth smiles widely.

"I love you ..." She felt Remus smile softly down at her.

"I love you too, Liz."  

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