Chapter 10- PoA

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After Christmas, Elizabeth was able to return to lessons. She didn't miss them at all but the Professors made sure to give her some time to settle down and adjust to being in a class of 30 people again. She settled quickly but people were sceptical of her which upset her. She wasn't herself though. She got some news that upset her. Her aunt had been found dead.

Elizabeth runs out of Dumbledore's office and soon found herself at the Black Lake. She sat with her head on her legs and her arms wrapped around them.

After calming down she lifts her head and sees a black dog.

"Hello," she says quietly. The dog barks and whines. It raises a paw and Elizabeth shakes it. "I'm going to name you Snuffles!" She says. The dog barks. Snuffles runs towards the Whomping Willow which was suspiciously still. Elizabeth got the hint that Snuffles wanted her to follow, so she did. She walked side by side with the dog and disappeared into a hole. She ended up in a dark tunnel. She could no longer see the dog so she touched the stone wall and followed it's a path. Elizabeth ended up in a room that had a dusty old bed, a chair, a fireplace and a piano.

She looks to the four people in the room. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Remus. Snuffles suddenly transformed into a person. Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Don't worry Liz, there's a reason you've been brought here," Remus says.

"I hope so," Elizabeth replies. Remus chuckles softly. She walked up to Remus and hugged him. "I'm sorry about your Aunt."

"Elizabeth," Sirius greets.

"Sirius, Padfoot, Snuffles," Madison says his name and nickname.

"Snuffles?" Remus questions. Sirius shrugs. "She came up with it,"

Elizabeth looked around the room once more and saw an unconscious Snape. She gasps. "That was my doing," Harry says quietly. Liz rolls her eye playfully. "Of course it was,"

"Why am I here?"

"You deserve to know the truth about your parent's death,"

"I know what happened. Someone gave the hiding location way to Voldemort. And it wasn't you two. I know it," Elizabeth says. Sirius sighs in relief of not being attacked.

"There's also another thing you should know I'm a-" Remus starts but it cut off.

"Everything you're about to say... I already know," Elizabeth smiles slightly.


Sirius and Remus hold back Peter who stares at Elizabeth. "Elizabeth, you... look just like Lily!"

"Don't talk to her!" Remus bellows. Sirius points his wand at Peter and interrogates him.


They make it outside where Remus holds his wand to a shivering Peter. Ron sat with Hermione on the grass. Sirius apologised about Ron's leg which Elizabeth hadn't noticed. Sirius and Harry talk. Elizabeth hears distant mutter then feels something being wrapped around her. A blazer. "You looked cold," Remus says. Elizabeth smiles.

"Thank you,"

"How long have you known? That I'm a werewolf,"

"I've known since I was at my teething stage and I bit you and you said something along the lines of "I'm the werewolf not you," Remus sniffles a laugh. "But I've only known for sure since you would look really tired every month and we'd have a day off of learning every full moon," Elizabeth explains.

"You should go, it's dangerous for you to be out here," Remus says.

"No, I'm not leaving you," Remus shakes his head while smiling at Elizabeth.

"Stubborn like your father,"


Remus' eye fill with fear as Sirius walks over. "Elizabeth, go over to Harry," she obeys Sirius' orders and walks to Harry who pulls her behind him. "Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius asks. Remus lets of a groan of pain and hunches over. Elizabeth fills up with fear. "Remus! Remus! Think about Liz, don't do this in front of her!" He says.

Liz watches in horror as her godfather painfully transforms. Remus' bones crack into place. Peter picks up Remus' fallen wand and points it at himself.

"Expelliamus!" Harry shouts but it was too late. Peter gives the a small wave before transforming into a rat again. He runs off. Harry goes to follow but Hermione pulls him back. Remus whimpers in pain.

Remus looks over at the four before howling. He makes his way over to them. A black dog charges at Lupin. "Snuffles!" Liz cries out. The two fought as the teenagers back away slowly. Sirius the runs down a hill making Lupin run after him. Harry follow despite Liz's calls. Elizabeth and 'Mione walk Ron back to the castle. 

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