Chapter 3-HBP

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It was coming to the end of summer. Harry and Elizabeth sit together in the burrow watching the fire burn as others talk in the kitchen. 

"Elizabeth! Harry!" Sirius called from the kitchen. The two looked at each other and shrugged. They made their way to the kitchen. Dumbledore stood at the head of the table. 

"Snape has informed me of a problem..." there was a pause. 

"Tom Riddle knows of Elizabeth's powers, we do not know who told." Lupin's heart stopped and pulled Elizabeth close. "Elizabeth... Are you okay with returning to Hogwarts?" Elizabeth nodded. 

"Yeah, it's the safest place I can be, right?" Dumbledore smiled and nodded. 

Crabbe and Goyle were both sitting with their mouths open like gargoyles. Pansy was gazing down at Malfoy as though she had never seen anything so awe-inspiring. 

"I can see Hogwarts," said Malfoy, clearly relishing the effect he had created as he pointed out of the blackened window. "We'd better get changed into our robes."

Harry was so busy staring at Malfoy he did not notice Goyle reaching up for his trunk, as he swung it down, it hit Harry hard on the side of the head. He let out an involuntary gasp of pain and Malfoy looked up at the luggage rack, frowning.

Harry was not afraid of Malfoy. But he didn't like the idea of being found spying on a group of unfriendly Slytherins. Eyes watering and head throbbing. He drew his wand carefully, trying not to move the cloak. Harry waited, breath held. To his relief, Malfoy seemed to decide that he had imagined the noise, he pulled on his robes like the others, locked his trunk and as the train slowed to a jerky crawl, fastened a thick new travelling cloak around his neck. 

Harry could see the corridors filling up with students. He hoped that Hermione and Ron would take his things onto the platform for him; he was stuck where he was until the compartment emptied. At last with a final lurch, the train came to a complete halt, Goyle threw the door open and muscled his way out, pushing second-years in the process. 

"You go on," Malfoy told Pansy, who was waiting for him with her hand held out as though hoping he would hold it. "I just want to check on something." 

Elizabeth waited on the platform for Harry knowing he didn't go before them. Looking around she sees Tonks patiently waiting for the platform to file out. "Tonks!" Elizabeth said walking up to her. 

"Wotcher Liz," said Tonks. 

"Have you seen Harry?" Tonks shook her head. "He went off with his invisibility cloak but I've not seen-" Elizabeth paused. Malfoy looked around, leaving his compartment.

"He's on the train!" Elizabeth quickly said. Tonks mentioned her to come with her and they both got on. "The train is going to leave. We need to be quick." 

The two ran into Malfoy's compartment as the train roared to life. 

Harry felt his invisibility cloak fly off him and a voice overhead said "Wotcher Harry." There was a flash of red light and Harry's body unfroze. Elizabeth helped Harry stand up, Harry hastily wiped the blood off his face. Tonks held the Invisibilty cloak she'd pulled off him.

 "We'd better get out of here, quickly,"she said, as the train windows became obscured with steam and the train began to move out of the station. "Come on, we'll jump." 

Harry hurried after the two into a corrider. Tonks pulled open a train door and lept onto the platform which was sliding beneath them as the train picked up momentum. 

"Who did it?" Elizabeth asked breaking the silence. 

"Malfoy," Harry said bitterly. 

"Thought so..." 

"Thanks for... well..."

"No problem," Tonks said without smiling. From what Harry could see in the darkness, she was as mousy-haired and miserable-looking as she had been when he had met her at the burrow. "I can fix your nose if you hold still," He didn't think much of this idea, he had been intending to visit Pomfrey whom he had a little more confidence when it came to healing spells, but it seemed rude to say this, so he stayed stock-still and closed his eyes. 


His nose felt very hot and then cold. He raised his hand and felt it cautiously. It seemed to be mended. 

"Thank you." 

"You better put that cloak back on, we can walk back to the school," Harry nodded and put his cloak over him. As he did so, Tonks waved her wand and an immense silvery four-legged creature erupted from it. Noticing the change of Patronus, Elizabeth smiled. 

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