Chapter 3- OOTP *Filler chapter*

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The adults and children sat at the table for lunch. Elizabeth was sad to see Remus leave his job. However, she was also glad that he wouldn't be alone for the full moon. Harry took on James' mischief and Elizabeth took on Lily's compassion. It was silent.

"So..." Hermione says trying to fill in the silence.

"Harry, I know you don't want to talk about it but what happened. Uncle Dave said something about a dementor attack? Are you okay?" Elizabeth asks.

"I'm fine, although Dudley was a bit out of it. I got expelled from Hogwarts," Harry explains sadly. Elizabeth's mouth gaps open.

"They can not do that! And besides dementors are controlled by the Ministry. They're up to something. I bet you," she says.

"They are?" Harry asks. Elizabeth nods.

Molly sets down lunch which consisted of sandwiches, dips, breadsticks, fruit, cookies and chocolate. Remus, of course, went straight for the chocolate.

"It's scary to think that now... We're technically at war. Voldemorts back, he wants to kill Harry... He wants me on his side-" Elizabeth begins.

"Huh?" Sirius cuts in.

"The dark magic is what Voldemort wants in me, I have enough dark magic to take over the wizarding world." Sirius nods slowly. Remus just looks at her sympathetically.

"And I will never join him. They're horrible people."

"I have a hearing in a couple of days," Harry says.

"I-ugh I hate the ministry!" Elizabeth groans. "They cannot expel you for using lifesaving spells, right Tonks?" Tonks nods. "See!" She shakes her head and Remus brings her into a side hug. 

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