Chapter 3- PoA

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"Do you actually think he's asleep?" Harry asks. "It seems so why?" Hermione says. "I need to tell you something," Harry says shutting the compartment door.

"So Sirius Black is after you?" Ron asks. Harry nods.

"Please, don't tell Elizabeth!" Harry says. "She has enough on her plate," Harry adds. The sleeping man sniffs. "Who do you think he is?" Ron asks.

"Professor R.J Lupin," Hermione states.

"How is it that she knows everything?" Ron asks.

"It's on his suitcase Ronald," Hermione rolls her eyes. The train slowly comes to a stop.

"Finally, I'm starving," Ron says emphasizing the word starving.

"We can't be there yet," Hermione looks down at her watch.

"Then why have we stopped?" Ron asks. He looked outside and put his hand on the window.

"Maybe we've broken down," Harry hesitates. "I'm going to check on my sister," Harry says getting up but is thrown back in his seat. A black shadowy figure appears and opens the compartment door with is decaying looking hands. Its fingers were skinny. The black figure looked around making Crookshanks hiss and Scabbers to hide in Ron's jacket. It turned and faced Harry. It was cold and depressing. Harry all of a sudden felt like he was being pulled forward. Total blackness surrounds him with a faint screaming.

Soon Harry gains consciousness and gets handed a piece of chocolate. He took it, "What was that thing?" He asks no one in particular.

"A dementor, searching for Sirius Black," Lupin says casually. Elizabeth comes in, nearly falling in the process. "Are you guys okay?" Elizabeth says out of breath. They all nod. "Did anyone else hear screaming?"

Hermione and Ron say "No," while Elizabeth says "Yes,"

They all look at her. "I've read about them, Dementors can make you remember your foulest memory. That was probably mum screaming," Elizabeth shivers at the memory. She looks up at Lupin.


"Higher Moony!" Elizabeth shouts in a fit of giggles. Remus pushes her higher on the swing. She laughs. "This is so much fun!"

Remus picks her up and spun her around. "You are my favourite goddaughter,"

"only goddaughter!" Elizabeth was pretty advanced for her age. Thanks to Remus that is.

"Which makes it better!" Remus says. He kisses her hair and sets her down. His mood suddenly changes.

"The tickle monster is going to get you!" Remus says in his monster voice. Elizabeth giggles and runs as fast as she could. Remus catches up with her.


Tears of happiness pricked her eyes. "Moony?" She asks but comes out in a whisper. Remus sits there shocked.

"Liz? I thought you-" He starts.

"Died?" He nods. He stands up and hugs her. "I'm never going to let you out of my sight again!" He whispers. He kisses her hair. They pull apart only to find a confused Hermione and Ron. "He's my Godfather," Liz states.

"You look a bit pale Liz," Harry says once she sits down.

"I'm just a bit..." She pauses. "the dementors probably affected me more than I realised," she admits. Lupin hands her some chocolate and she takes it though it doesn't help much.

The rest of the journey was Hermione, Ron and Harry talking while Elizabeth and Lupin catch up. With Lupin eyeing her suspiciously due to her being so pale. 

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