Chapter 6- PoA

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Elizabeth sits in potions next to Dean when Professor Snape. This was the one lesson Elizabeth hated. She didn't know why but she felt like professor Snape hated her and her twin. Maybe it was because she looked like Lily so he was taking anger from her death onto her. Only time will tell. "Don't speak till you're spoken to," Snape says with his eyes lingering on Liz who sits before him. She looks down at her hands.

The class works in silence only bubbling cauldrons and quills on parchment could be heard. Halfway through the lesson, he stops everyone while their cauldrons bubble. He talks them through some ingredients they'll be needing and what type of potions will be made. Elizabeth mind wonders to a different place as he speaks until-

"Miss Potter! Are you listening?" Snape snaps at her causing her to come back to reality.

"Yes Professor..." Elizabeth mumbles.

"Then tell me what happens when I mix baneberry and borage with Buldadox juice?" Snape asks. This was the most random question.

"I-I don't know, sir," Elizabeth stutters.

"Pity, I just asked your brother the same question. And he didn't know either. Must be a Potter thing," he says spitting out the name Potter like it's venom in his mouth. Elizabeth's eyes widen. How could he say such things? He knew Lily. He would be insulting Lily. "Anything you would like to say, miss Potter?" Snape asks curiously. Elizabeth shakes her head.

"Say it!" Snape shouts causing many to flinch. "Be like your father. Be like your brother and say something!" Elizabeth's head pounds and her body shakes. Her blood boils like a cauldron. Her heart also pounds, she could hear it. A sudden rush of power flows through her veins. Thoughts ran through her head. Suddenly, potion bottles smash and the candles blew out. Elizabeth crouched down and put her arms above her head. That's when it caught her eyes. Her veins were slowly turning black.

"You are just like your father!" That did it. Elizabeth slams her hand on the nearest desk. "Shut up about my dad!" Elizabeth screams. Books flew from the shelves. A gust of wind blew. Snape stands there looking at her veins. She follows his gaze. She lifts her arm up and sees her veins fully black. Whispers rise. "What is happening?"

"What is she?" Elizabeth grabs her bag and runs out the door. She stops in a quiet corridor and looks at her veins. They slowly turn back to their normal colour. She makes her way to the Gryffindor common room. "Fortuna Major," she speaks to the fat lady. The painting opens and she rushes in. She runs straight to her dorm and lays down. What in merlin's name just happened? Will I be expelled? Thoughts rush through her head once more.

She walks down into the main common room to see Hermione, Ron and Harry. "Elizabeth what happened?" Harry asks engulfing her into a hug.

"I don't know Harry," she whispers.

"Come on, it's nearly dinner," They all turn to walk out the portrait. All but one.

"Liz, you coming?" Hermione asks.

"What if they see me as a monster?" Elizabeth whispers.

"You are not a monster, Liz," Elizabeth hesitantly following.

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