Chapter 2- DH

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"All right then," said Moody. "Everybody ready, please; I want us to leave at exactly the same time or the whole point of the diversion's lost." 

Everybody mounted their brooms.

"Hold tight, Ron," said Tonks, and Elizabeth saw Ron throw a furtive guilty look at Lupin before placing his hands on her waist. 

"Good luck everyone," shouted Moody. "See you all in about an hour at the Burrow, On the count of three... One... Two... Three!" 

As they rose into the air, Harry looked back at four Privet Drive. 

Higher and higher they climbed into the sky- and then out of nowhere, out of nothing they were surrounded. At least thirty hood figures flew around them all. 


"Confringo!" Charlie shouted spells while trying to dodge them like the other order members. "Keep dodging them, Charlie! I'll hold them off!" Obeying her, he focused on dodging them. Elizabeth holds out her hand and focuses on activating the powers she had learned to control during last summer. 

She smirked at the group of death eaters to her right, she fired at them

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She smirked at the group of death eaters to her right, she fired at them. The blast so powerful it knocks them off their broom. She does this until she is drained. "Elizabeth?" Charlie asked worriedly as he stopped seeing red flashes and felt her grip tighten around his waist. 

"I'm ok, I've just used too much power." Charlie descended and kept low so when they arrive he can quickly get her inside.

Hagrid and Harry were first, then Lupin and George landed. Lupin rushed Geroge inside and laid him down on the couch, he had lost an ear. Kinglsey and Hermione were next, then Fleur and Bill, Arthur and Fred landed right after. "We the last ones back?" 

"No, we're still waiting for Elizabeth and Charlie," said Kingsley. "I think they go the worst of it. Elizabeth had to use her powers..." Remus sighed. 

"Where's George?" Arthur and Fred look inside of the Burrow. Fred ran in followed by Arthur. Tonks, Remus, Fleur, Hermione, and Harry wait for Charlie and Elizabeth. 

A couple of minutes later Charlie lands his broom and helps Elizabeth walk to the Burrow (do you get deja vu?). 

Remus runs up and hugs Elizabeth. "Thank goodness you're alright!" He breathed. She hugged him back weakly. "Me too." 

They all walked into the Burrow where everyone stood. Elizabeth slouched on the chair next to George. "What happened to you?" 

"I turned holey," joke George. Liz stifled a laugh. 

"Hey, Harry... where's Hedwig?" 

"She... She died."

"Where is she?" Harry pointed to the owl which laid still in its cage. Elizabeth hugged Harry tightly. "How about we bury her? No magic." Harry nodded as he sniffed. 

"Mad-eyes dead," Bill said. Elizabeth sighed. 


"Mundugus took one look at Voldemort and appartated." Elizabeth shook her head disapprovingly. 

Tonks cried silently into a handkerchief, she had been close to mad-eye... everyone knew this. Elizabeth got up and hugged Tonks' who gladly hugged her back. Bill walked over to the sideboard and pulled out a bottle of Firewhiskey and some glasses. 

"Here," he said, and with a wave of his wand, he sent thirteen full glasses soaring through the room to each of them, holding the fifteen aloft. "Mad-eye!" 

"Mad-eye," they all said and drank.

"Mad-eye," echoed Hagrid, a little late with a hiccough.  The Firewhiskey seared Elizabeth's throat; it seemed to burn feeling back into her. 

"So Mundungus disappeared?" said Lupin, who had drained his own glass in one. 

The atmosphere changed at once: everybody looked tense watching Lupin, both wanting him to go on, it seemed to Elizabeth and Harry, and slightly afraid of what they might hear...

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