Chapter 9-HBP

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"It was delicious Molly really," Tonks said, walking out the door with Elizabeth and Remus. 

"Are you sure you won't stay?" Molly asked Remus who stared off into the distance. 

"No, we should go," Tonks said. "First night of the cycle is always the worst." She then whispered to Molly. 

"Remus?" Arthur asked worriedly as Remus continued to stare into the distance. What they didn't know is that he could hear laughter in the distance. Manic laughter. 

"Remus?" Elizabeth said. Tonks stepped forward and held his hand. 


Suddenly, what looked to be a fireball landed in the Weasleys front yard, the fire spread quickly and Bellatrix landed outside and laughed maniacally. She looked at Elizabeth and ran into the gap where the fire had not yet reached. 

"I killed Dave Lopez! I killed Dave Lopez!" Bellatrix taunted. Anger boiled up inside Elizabeth. 

Without a second thought, she ran after her. Molly gasped. "Elizabeth!" Remus shouted. Harry ran after her, Remus followed, then Tonks. 

As Elizabeth ran through the high grass, Bellatrix continued to taunt her. "I killed Dave Lopez, you coming to get me?" Again she laughed. 

Bellatrix stopped taunting, and everything went silent. Elizabeth stopped. Hearing a crunch in front of her, she ran. 

Elizabeth got to a small area, and the tall grass rustled. "Harry?" called Elizabeth quietly. But it wasn't Harry. In fact, it was Greyback. He smiled creepily. 

Elizabeth was pulled back, "Stupefy!" Harry called, but Greyback blocked it easily. 

Bellatrix apparated behind Harry and held him back. "Elizabeth!" Remus screamed. 

"Do it!" Bellatrix whispered. Greyback raised his wand. "Crucio." Elizabeth dropped to the ground and let out a painful scream. Her whole body was burning. It felt as though she was being burnt alive as well as a thousand needles piercing into her body. Remus appeared and pointed his wand at Greyback. 

"LET HER GO!" Greyback didn't move. 

"LET HER GO!" He shouted. Elizabeth was still screaming. Greyback smirked and muttered a spell. Blood immediately covered her sleeve. Bellatrix let go of Harry and they both apparated but not before setting the burrow on fire.   "Elizabeth? Liz? Are you okay?" Elizabeth nodded weakly. "Come on," Remus helped her walk back to the burning burrow.  

Once at the burrow, they all watched as memories and a home crumbles to the ground. 

"If it helps, Grimmulad place is still around. You're more than welcome to stay. All of you." 

"Thank you, Sirius."

"I can't- I can't go back to Hogwarts. It's too much." Elizabeth said quietly to Remus. She let out a little scream. She had forgotten about her arm.  

"You're okay," Tonks whispered soothingly.

"Sirius, we're going to Grimmauld Place.  Kingsley?" He hummed. 

"Could you get Snape and Dumbledore? We need a blood replenishing potion as soon as possible."  Kingsley nodded and apparated. 

When they arrived at 12 Grimmauld Place Snape and Dumbledore were already there. Tonks slowly pulled up Elizabeth's blood-soaked sleeve. Snape carefully applied the potion. 

"Thank you," Elizabeth whispered as she closed her eyes, falling asleep. 

"I'm sorry Albus but I don't think I can allow her back at Hogwarts. I need to keep an eye on her, after everything she's been through." Dumbledore nodded. 

"I understand Remus. During her time off, will you be teaching her?" Remus nodded, "as best of my abilities. Sirius will help with transfigurations." Dumbledore nodded once again. 

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