Chapter 6- DH

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2 days after was the wedding. The Potter Twins were finally 17 which means they could now use magic without being traced. While Gabriella, Fleur and Elizabeth got ready in Percy's old room, Harry, Hermione and Ron had a visit from Rufus Scrimgeour. He came to discuss the will of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

As Elizabeth applied her nude makeup, the voices from downstairs raised. Curious, she put her makeup brush down and walked down the stairs. "We thought we heard... raised voices," Mr Weasley said looking at Harry and then at Scrimgeour. Scrimgeour took a step back, and losing his temper made a hole in Harry's shirt.

Elizabeth appeared from the stairs with her classic red orb floating in between her hands

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Elizabeth appeared from the stairs with her classic red orb floating in between her hands. "I think you should leave," she said. 

"What?" breathed Scrimgeour. "What are you?"

Instead of answering, she stepped closer. "Leave," she said repeated. Reluctantly, he picked up his briefcase and stormed out of the house, making sure to slam the door too. 

"What did he want?" Mrs Wealsey asks as soon as the door closes.  

"To give us what Dumbeldore left us," said Harry. "They've only just released the contents of his will."

"What did you get?" Elizabeth asked. She was passed the deluminator and The Tales of Beedle the Bard and the snitch. 

"He left me the sword of Gryffindor too but Scrimgeour refused."

A roar of outrage filled the room before Elizabeth excused herself to finish getting ready. 

"What waz zat all about?" Fleur asked as Elizabeth stepped back into the bedroom. 

"Rufus Scrimgeour came to discuss the will of Dumbledore. He left some stuff for Harry, Hermione and Ron."

"None for you?" Fleur questioned. Elizabeth shook her head. 

"Zat is weird." 

Elizabeth looked down at her makeup brush. It was weird that she hadn't gotten anything. She shook her head lightly and finished applying her makeup. 

As soon as the clock struck three, Elizabeth walked downstairs to greet guests. 

"When I get married," said Fred, tugging at the collar of his robes, "I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense. You can all wear and I'll put a full body biding curse on mum until it's all over." Elizabeth stifled a laugh. 

"Who says your ever going to get married?" she jokes. Fred stuck out his tongue but laughed nonetheless. 

"Here they come," said Harry walking up to the pair along with George. 

"Excellent, I think I see a few veela cousins," George said craning his neck for a better look. "They'll need help understanding our veela customs, I'll look after them..."

"Not so fast, Lugless," said Fred. 

"Tonks! Remus! Sirius!" Elizabeth said excitedly. They hadn't seen much of each other since Mad-eye died. 

"Wotcher Liz," Tonks said cheerfully. Tonks looked at Harry, who had to drink a lot of Polly juice potion beforehand and was now muggle who had curly, ginger hair. "Is this Harry?" 

"Yeah, his temp name is now Barny." 

"Sorry for missing your birthday," Remus said handing her a small bag. "Sorry, it's not much... the Ministry are very Anti-werewolf right now." 

She opened the bag and it contained a lot of different chocolates. She let out a small laugh. "I love it, Remus... Thank you." She hugged him tightly. Elizabeth noticed Viktor Krum, Hermione, Fred and George had now  joined the little reunion. "Viktor, nice to see you again," Elizabeth said politely. 

"You too, Elizabeth." He smiled. 

"We better all sit before we're run over by the bride," said Fred. Elizabeth laughed but then stopped when she saw Neville. 

"Neville!" Elizabeth smiled widely and ran towards him. "What are you doing here?" She asked before kissing him. 

"I was invited, suprisingly," Neville replied. 

"Neville is this her?" An old woman said coming from behind him. "Is this Elizabeth Potter?" 

"Yes, grandma."

"It's to finally meet you dear, Neville keeps talking about you." Elizabeth giggled. 

"Nice to meet you too...We should take our seats. I except Fleur will be down soon." 

The two guests nodded and followed Elizabeth to their seats. 

Soon when they sit down, Bill and Charlie walk down the aisle, both wearing dress robes with large white roses in their buttonholes. Then the crowd fell silent as music swelled, from what seemed to be the golden balloons. 

"Oooh!" said Hermione, swivelling round in her seat to look at the entrance. 

Fleur was wearing simple white dress  which emmited a strong silvery glow. While her radiance  usually dimmed everyone else by comparison, today it beautified everybody it fell upon. Ginny and Gabriella, both wearing golden dresses, looked prettier than ever. 

"Ladies and gentlemen," said a slightly sing-song voice. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls..."

"Yes, my tiara sets off the whole thing nicely," a woman who Elizabeth never met. "But I must say, Ginevra's dress is far too low-cut." 

"Do you William Arthur Wealsey, take Fleur Isabelle Delacour...?"

In the front was Mrs Wealsey and Madame Delacour were both sobbing quietly into a piece of lace. Harid was crying too, everyone could here trumpet like sounds coming from the back row. Hermione turned and beamed at Elizabeth, her eyes too were full of tears. 

"...then I declare you bonded for life."

As soon as it was over, they all went into the back garden for the after party. 

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