•1• {the day we first met}

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A/N: hiiii, you might see that most of these incidents most likely wouldn't happen at hogwarts... but for now let's just pretend- yes. okay, enjoy:)

renee and her older brother tom walked out onto the quidditch field. around 1:32 pm, the field was quiet. most students still had studies to attend to. but, as a riddle, the twins excelled in their studies allowing them to miss a few.

"i am too an okay quidditch player!" she huffed to tom, who was saying things just to get her mad.

"nope! i think you suck at quidditch-" he said, a malicious grin painted in his face. waiting for renee to snap at him and get all upset. but, like the mature twin she is, she walked away.

"shove off, tom!" she yelled about 20 feet away from him. she noticed a boy with his head down on the bleachers. renee, had never been one for friends or confrontation, but something about him was so captivating to her. she wanted nothing more but for him to look up and adore her, but he didn't. his face stayed down, glued to the book. she ignored the boy. after all, quidditch was more important than some silly boy.

she acquired her broom and got into it.

"you're okay. you're a good player. remember what mom used to say, renee. you got this." she spoke to herself. trying to make herself a bit more confident.

"just catch the snitch you idiot!" tom yelled up from the bleachers. he sat near the mysterious boy who caught renees eyes just a few moments ago. she rolled her eyes at his idiotic comment. she opened her palm, revealing a fluttering snitch. the snitch flew out of her palm as she watched it in awe. the snitch was a mysterious thing to her. nonetheless, shaking away her thoughts, she chased the snitch.

'i wonder if i'll pass potions this year, father will kill me if i don't.' renee thought to herself. 'do you think i could be a better seeker than james?' the snitch flew into her face, as if reading her thoughts. she reached out to grab it and caught it.

"HA I CAUGHT IT, TOM" renee yelled down at her pesky twin brother. the boy reading, looked up and shook his head.

"NO YOU DIDNT SHUT UP" tom said while holding out both middle fingers up at her. renee laughed and looked up at the sky. she hated the day. it was bright, annoying and tiring. she watched the clouds scurry by barely able to form any shapes. meanwhile, tom, was planning something.

"HEY RENEE WATCH OUT!" he said while sending a buldger flying to her. renee, scared, turned around quickly and hit it with her broom. although, not so fortunate for the boy who was reading... it hit him harshly in the face.

"oh my merlin-" renee gasped, flying down to him and getting off her broom.

"i'm soooo sorry i'm so sorry- are you okay?" she asked him, worried. he stared at her, no, he glared at her.

"you did this on purpose, didn't you? you're just like everyone else AND NO. i'm not okay." he said, accusing renee. she crossed her arms.

"i didn't do this on purpose, you nitwit. let me help you." she sorrowfully said, holding out her hand. he looked her up and down.

"no. leave me alone, riddle." he said. 'rude. i wouldn't hurt on purpose i think you're beautiful.' she thought to herself.

"okay, sorry." she said, backing away from him, "what are.... you reading?" she asked.

"i thought i told you to leave me alone. merlin, do you ever listen?" he said slamming his book shut. "i don't wish to speak, not to you." he stood up, hovering over renee. he looked down at her and stomped his way off the bleachers.

"OH BRO HE HATES YOU-" tom said running over to renee, who was looking down at her hands.

"shove off, you blood sucking mosquito." she said walking away from tom. he laughed silently whilst following her.

to be continued...

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