•5• {the day the new girl came}

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A/N: this chapter is going to be less of sevren (severus and renee) and more of the background characters because dialogue. HAHAH, enjoy!:)
(1111 words)

"and there are the gryffindors, thats where you'll sit," lydia said, pointing the girl to the gryffindor table. lydia was the only weasley in ravenclaw. it schocked the rest of them, but not her. she knew she was smarter and wiser than her impudent and immature brothers and sister.

lydia, was also dating a lestrange. so, clearly she was different than the rest of them. lydia didnt think the lestranges were scary, in fact she could mess with them all day. the riddles however, were another story. she agreed with her siblings on that. well... most of her siblings.

"what about those people over there?" the girl asked lydia. lydia looked in the general direction she looked. there sat tom riddle, severus snape and his sister danielle. lydia shuddered at the thought of even being that close to tom.

"the slytherins? yeah dont mess with them," she said. she gently pushed the girl to the table she was supposed to go to. making sure she went there and not to the slytherin table. the girl followed the gesture and walked to the gryffindor table. ronald looked up from his food.

"who are you?" he said taking a bite of his chicken without even looking. renee hated ronald. possibly from the history they had or just because he was obsessed with her. but nonetheless, they did not get along.

"i'm emma.. emma clark!" she said. emma was definitely a gryffindor. the way she carried herself, the way she spoke. anything higher would've been just plain wrong. ron looked up at her and immediately noticed who she was.

"oh bloody hell... BOLTEN YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE," he yelled across the table. he looked back down to his food not even introducing himself. ron made it his mission to not talk or associate with any other girl unless it was renee. maybe he was a little bit obsessed. no, not maybe, he was obsessed. he was fine with that. the blonde haired boy ran across the great hall to meet her.

"EMMIE YOURE FINALLY HERE," he said in american accent. emma smiled at the presence of her boyfriend. colten turned back to the rest of the table with a smile on his face, "MY GIRLFRIEND," he yelled putting his arm around her. ron rolled his eyes. while george and fred cheered him on.

"OOOOO" they both sung in unison. in a taunting style. seemed to be sort of their thing.
colten rolled his eyes at them. he gave emma a smile. it sort of read 'i haven't seen you in a while' type of smile and she gave back a 'where's your room' type of smile. ron noticed this. he thought it was disgusting. well... to be quite honest if it were him and renee he wouldn't be mad but... nevertheless it was gross.

"OKAY DADDY LONG LEGS," this boy screamed. the same one that asked for renees pudding. his name was evan, and he liked bullying severus. well.. the feeling was mutual. a mutual hatred.

"SHUT UP RIGHT NOW," severus yelled back. evan rolled his eyes at severus. danielle and tom laughed. danielle and tom were the definition of the perfect best friend duo. however, it were kind of obvious they liked each other. danielle, wasnt like severus at all. in fact, danielle was much more like the riddle twins. she was funnier than severus, thats for sure. actually, danielle was more like everyone in sixth year. she was a year older than them but when it came to bullying severus.. they got along so well. severus hated this. he hated being ridiculed constantly and everyone laughing at him. everyone but renee, occasionally.

"yeah, but youre like... its weird," renee said walking in with kaleb. kaleb lestrange, was.... he was very weird. he chose to do weird things at weird times. he wasnt like his mother as much as you would expect but he definitely was her child.

"i just.... just for right now- i really like her and i need her to be jealous," he said, begged he was practically begging. "her" was also known as reyana. reyana, was very pretty. people who didnt know renee and reyana usually mixed them up. even though they looked nothing alike. nor acted alike. renee was also a slytherin, unlike reyana who was a hufflepuff. honestly, reyana was a lot meaner than renee most of the time. renee, saved being rude for when she needed it. so, naturally it was quite unsuspected when she was mean. renee thought about what she was asked for a moment.

"fine. but this doesnt mean i like you, k?" she said. he got visibly excited.

"okay, yeah, deal," he said fastly. renee knew she was going to dread this. but, he was her friend. she wanted to help dont get her wrong, but not this way. severus was just at the table across from there and if he saw she could lose him forever. oh well. she grabbed kalebs hand and brought him over the the end of the hufflepuff table.

'30 seconds,' she mouthed to kaleb. he nodded. she put her hands on his face and kissed him. at first, it was shocking to both of them. but after a while it was just second nature. kaleb felt butterflies in his stomach, he wanted this to last forever. actually, deep down somewhere renee did too. reyana looked up from her art. she stared at them. tom hit severus on the arm and severus was looking now too.

this kiss was so overpowering. it made renee even think for a second she liked kaleb. she couldn't, but maybe she did. kaleb put his hand on her waist, pulling her closer as their tongues danced around with each other. kaleb's heart beat faster and faster. he had possibly been waiting for this all along, and he didn't even realize until now. renee held his neck deepening the kiss. there was so much... tension. it must been just laying there for years. years, of them constantly denying their feelings for each other. soon though, they realized they were in the great hall and stopped immediately.

"that was longer than thirty seconds i think," kaleb said laughing.

"shut up, you dummy. did she notice," she said not turning around. kaleb grabbed renees hand and ran out.

A/N: i might've said somewhere what year they're in. but, this is 6th year. the yule ball will be the next chapter so stay tuned for that. and, i love you.

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