•6• {the day i knew i loved you}

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A/N:  okay so-.... i've decided to change things up than how i wanted them to be. let's uhm pretend it's 6th year and this is like a winter ball- BJSHAJA

⚠️TW- alcohol involved⚠️.

"so you just kissed him? yeah that makes me feel so much better," severus said to renee. he was sitting on the bleachers, the same bleacher he met renee on. he was upset.. for obvious reasons.

"it was so he could make someone jealous i'm sorry.." renee said. she didn't want him to forgive her. he always did. she didn't know why but he did. even when she did something wrong. he didn't answer for a second. all he wanted to do was completely ignore her. it's what she deserved, but.. he couldn't. she didn't deserve that, not really.

"that doesn't- it doesn't make it any better renee." he said lost for words. 'don't forgive her don't forgive her' he kept thinking to himself. she looked at him sadly. she wished she could take it back, any lingering feelings she might've had from the kiss she didn't want them. she just wanted severus.

"i know. i'm sorry, severus. i am. truly." she said. she really was sorry. she hated doing this, acting like this and ruining everything good for her. it was always her fault. "i'm really sorry." she said. she wanted to walk away, so did severus. but, something about her made severus want to stay.

"renee..." he started to say. 'i shouldnt  forgive her but why do i want to do bad. why do i do these things.' his own thoughts were starting to contradict himself. he wanted to forgive her. he always wanted to forgive her.  he grabbed her hand, "it's okay. i promise it's okay," he said looking at her. she sort of looked like she was about to cry. truth be told, she was. she always ruined things with severus. she always thought he deserved better. it shouldn't be her that he's dating. or "dating" nothing has been made official.

"i... i shouldn't have done it. i ruin everything with us and i'm so sorry. you deserve so much better and i cant-" she said rambling on until severus kissed her. this was different. this wasn't like kaleb and renee, this was special. severus couldn't help but kiss her. when renee was in deep thoughts about things she tended to overthink it and abandon the whole thing. he didn't want her to abandon this. but she couldn't. deep down she knew no matter how much overthinking she did, she couldn't abandon this. she held his hand while they kissed and squeezed it tightly.

'i'm not going anywhere severus.' she said in his head. he almost felt like.. he was going to cry? he pulled away from the kiss and hugged her tightly. he wanted to say 'i love you.' but could he? was this even real love? he didn't even know. he didn't want to love her. he didn't want to love anyone everytime he does it gets ruined by everyone else. he couldn't ruin this.

"sevi darling, what's wrong? are you okay.?" she asked him concerned. he just hugged her tighter. she smiled. she loved this. she loved him. no, she liked him a lot. riddles don't love. they cant. so neither did she.

"ophi, can i ask you something?" he said. he let go of her.

"yes?" she questioned. she was scared. she wondered if he would ask her to the ball but he didn't normally do those things. school balls. she never expected him to ask her, it would be nice.. but she didn't expect it.

"will you go to the solstice ball with me.?" he asked. to be quite honest, he did hate the balls. they were never fun for him and he only even got bullied there. he hasn't gone since third year, that's when he met renee. he wanted to take her to the yule ball. but, he got scared. like always. he just ran away. she looked at him sympathetically.

"we... we dont have to go together, sevi. i know you don't like dances. i could just-" she said before he cut her off.

"i want to. with you. only with you," he said. she couldn't help but smile. she really wanted to cry, she was going to hurt him. he treated her so well and nothing would be worse than losing him. she nodded.

"i... okay," she said smiling.

(new setting - great hall 3 hours before)

"why is it that bitches turn into my fans, riddle me that." evan said to oliver.

"what are you talking about?" oliver said with a smile on his face. evan just shook his head and walked away. oliver and evan.. sort of liked each other? evan is pretty sure oliver is straight. but, they've never had a conversation about it. which evan is okay with.

"he actually got his shit together- they're adorable," danielle said. she was talking to tom. dani and tom were going to the ball together. but, it was strictly a friends thing. they were only friends. just friends. best friends.

"oh my merlin- awe wait that's so cute," tom said. he was picking at his food with his fork. probably in deep thought about something idiotic. 'i really like potatoes.. why are they so good PLEASE WHY ARE THESE SO GOOD' he said in his head. indulging on the cheddar mashed potatoes positioned on the plate in front of him.

"so you just- PLEASE- YOU CANT DATE MY FRIEND," kameron said to kaleb. the sentence was grammatically correct but... kaleb didn't care.

"i know i know but i... HELP ME," he said. he didn't know what to do. well, he liked reyana but a small part of him liked renee. and he couldn't just pretend he didn't like renee but he could.

"remember that one time you fell off the swings at the fair," keoni said. keoni was their brother, everyone mainly called him keo. he didn't talk much and he was more in the shadows.


A/N: this will have another part because i'm being forced to post a new chapter 🙄🙄🙄🙄🤨🤨🤨🤨

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