•13• {the day i told you}

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A/N: ugh stop- sevren just>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i will forever say this because idc what any of you say sevren is superior to everything even renco idc okay anyways this chapter is short because it's adding onto the last chapter

"poor severus nooo," kameron cried in between bites. derek shook his head at her, and fed her another fork of food.

"feed me next," ron said with his mouth wide open. derek glared at him. george and fred bursted out laughing.

"everyone!" emma yelled out from beside colten, "i'm sorry for saying the m slur!" she finished. causing everyone to stop doing whatever they were doing and stare at her.

"come on guys forgive her," colten begged. everyone stared at him confusedly. colten and emma were easily the worst couple ever on campus. they were the most random couple, and very annoying. severus shook his head and left.

(setting - library)

renee sat alone, reading a random book. well, not exactly random. she was reading the book severus was reading when he first met her. renee couldn't tell if she was falling out of love with him or just too scared to admit she was in love with him to his face. sure, it had been an idea to everyone else, just she couldn't tell him. she always stayed up late at night thinking about such. she couldn't be falling out of love, she would never allow that.

severus walked in, knowing she would be here. it was her second favorite place, other than the astronomy tower. which he had already checked. he sat in front of renee, looking at the book she was reading and remembering it.

"renee. if you don't love me, can you just tell me so i can stop being so in love with you?" he said. he was annoyed, only a little bit, he knew that this was new to renee. i mean, newly new. she closed the book, but didnt look up from it.

"riddles don't love, severus. so, i'm sorry. it would be best if we didn't love each- if you didn't love me," she stood up and looked at him. he was so confused. after everything they went through, she was just going to abandon it? he knew this would happen. he dreaded the moment but he knew it was coming. she smiled, just to make him feel a little better, it didn't help though. she walked by him, severus grabbed her wrist harshly, standing up.

"you're not abandoning us. i-i wont allow it to happen. riddles do love, i've seen it. you know you love me, just admit it. please," he begged, holding onto her wrist. she turned around and looked at him, knowing he was right. she did love him, she was just too scared to admit it. she managed to move her wrist so that she could hold his hand, and hugged him. he hugged her back.

"you're so confusing, my dove," he laughed. she just hugged him tighter. she had so many things she wanted to tell him, she needed to tell him. but, he was so happy. she couldn't possibly ruin that.

"i love you, my butterfly. you were right," she said, letting go of him. she walked to the door of the library, blowing a butterfly from her hand over to him, and left. he watched the butterfly land on the back of his palm, as it turned to dust instantly.

"wait renee!" he called out. but she was gone. just like all of the times he had seen her today, she left him alone. he cared too much for this dove. she needed to fly away, he knew that. but who would he be without her. another nobody like before. he walked out sadly, confused and most of all with the feeling of slight betrayal.

(setting - great hall)

severus walked to danielle and tom. they stared at him with an awkward smile, as if they weren't just bullying him a few seconds ago.

"we weren't talking about you or anything," danielle blurted out, causing tom to hit her arm and burst out laughing. severus just rolled his eyes.

"so... what happened?" tom asked, gathering himself together. severus moved his food around with his fork.

"she left, again. you know sometimes i think i should just give up on this whole thing. the whole 'riddles don't love' was only to get rid of me. maybe i should just-" severus went on shaking his leg rapidly, as he did when he was nervous. danielle put her hand on his leg and looked at him.

"she said that?" she asked, trying to get an understanding of what was happening. he just nodded his head.

"renee does love you. she's- it's hard for her, i think," tom interrupted.

"doesn't she think it's hard for me too? i mean i just needed her there and everytime i did she-"

"she's a death eater now, severus. she has the mark, she- she knows what her task is. she's doing this to save you, y'know?" tom interrupted again. severus looked up at tom and down at toms arm as well. he felt guilty, he blamed renee for not being there for him but he isn't even there for her. it was only seventh year, things couldn't have possibly been this stressful. right?

"okay," he said picking at his food. danielle just stared at him, "i can't remember when i've seen you this sad. but, i love you. you'll get her back sev." danielle said in his mind. he just ignored it.

"how are you going to say you're so stupid," perseus yelled at andrea. who was trying to convince him muggle macaroni was made from bones of other animals.

"i'm serious! i saw it," she said, lying of course. perseus put down his fork of oatmeal, feeling a sudden wave of disgust. andrea blew out, she couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

"stop lying to perseus!" kaleb yelled out. andrea was gasping for air watching perseus stare at his food like there were bugs in it.

"i hate muggles," he said sternly, pushing his oatmeal away from him.

(setting - renees dorm)

"well, it'll be okay. i'm positive he wouldn't actually make you do that," draco said, comforting her. renee just shook her head, knowing that he would actually make her do that. just simply out of spite.

"you don't think so?" renee asked. draco shook his head.

"not in a million years," he laughed, it made renee laugh a little bit too. she picked at her black nail polish, which draco noticed, "you're nervous. arent you? i can stand up for you. i told you i would," he said moving her hands from each other and to her side.

"i don't want to put you in danger, draco," she smiled lightly at his gesture of helping. he looked at her sadly, and pulled out his wand. without saying a word draco apparated a bottle of nail polish.

"give me your hand," he said opening the nail polish bottle, renee did what he asked. softly placing her hand in his. he painted her nails carefully. one by one. "you shall at least have pretty nails for this meeting," he smiled. she smiled, genuinely smiled.

"thank you, my star," she thanked him for not only cheering her up, but also being there for her when she needed it.

"anytime, my star," he said back, continuously painting her nails.


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