•15• {our graduation}

22 4 9


ahem.. anyways... i hope you enjoy! xoxo 😩🤞🏽

(setting - courtyard)

"are you going to be okay?" tom and evan asked renee as they walked in. this was the first time she was going to actually pay attention to severus in almost 2 months since the.. incident. she nodded her head and sat down.

everyone else was already there, but of course the trio had to make a late entrance and be center of attention. renee and tom, sat in the front with the rest of the prefects.

"we will be starting with student speeches and moving on accordingly!" mcgonagall said. everyone murmured amongst themselves until she called out names, and who would be going first. emma was already crying to colten, in his shoulder.

after everyone had arrived, tom went up first to talk. he straightened out his sash saying 'slytherins prefect' and held his wand closer to him, as they remembered the amplifying charm.

"to the.... to the girl that had a lot to say about me to snapes the other day.. renee what's good?" he said, putting his hands on his hips and staring at reneee, who was laughing hysterically. "okay okay,"he cleared his throat and uncrumbled his paper. "seven years ago, renee comforted me. when i cried over having to join my father in his army, and losing my mother. while renee is younger than me, she's my role model. i follow after her and the things she does because i love her. life for renee and i growing up was far from easy. we drifted apart right before our eyes. when i thought i lost my sister, that she would leave me, she told me she'd never leave me," he wiped a tear and smiled up from his paper, "i think i can make an exception, just this once. i'm so proud of you especially ren-ren. for treating me with everything we never got as children, for finding someone who matches you perfectly and for being who you are. i was told to write about a parent for this. but i'm not proud of a parent, just my sister. my forever other half," he looked up from his paper and laughed sadly. he watched everyone already wipe their tears as they stood up to clap for his speech.

he walked off the stage and walked past andrea, who was walking onto the stage. he hugged her, whispering how proud of her he was as well. she smiled and walked to the podium.

"we did it. we made it through, there were ups and downs but we did it. i'm so proud of all of you and the people you've become. you've all became a big impact in my life and i'll never forget it. we'll do the unbelievable, just put your mind to it. and a special thanks, to my roommate, my other half, the person that let me cry on their shoulder. you were there for me when no one else was, i'm so glad we found each other. next to evan, the hottie. you're so funny and i hope that gets you somewhere. you may be rens best friend but i'll always see you as mine," she sniffled, "to ren, my bitch, you were a super hot sister in law and always will be. you're one of the many reasons i am who i am. next, emma. i know we aren't close, but i've always seen you as a friend," she stopped for a second. collecting her tears but into her eyes. "to keoni, kaleb, tom, severus, draco and perseus. you showed me what it was like to have fun and to live life to the fullest. i know this won't ever happen again but it was fun experiencing it,"

she finished, relieved. a stream of tears fell down her face, as she ran off stage and to her seat. kameron watched her sadly as she walked to the podium.

"wow.. we made it. we made it!" she smiled, "okay i guess this is goodbye. i wanna say something to some people. to andrea, my cousin, my other half, i love you. i don't think i've ever said that but i do. i hope we don't lose each other in the future. this is so sad- to evan, i couldn't go a day without you making me laugh. befriending you was the best decision i've ever made. you're just a whore if you leave me," she laughed, "so don't. okay not me finna cry... renee, thank you. for so much. to much people i can call my friends, my family. even you! keep being a baddie, our few moments we shared were wonderful. kaleb and keoni, my dearest brothers. we did it, and we never even got the mark! i love you both so much. i couldn't ask for better brothers, don't leave me please. i'd be so lost without you guys, it's just always been us. emma, i know we don't talk much, but you're a great person," she sighed, "and finally, derek my love. this may sound so cringey, but i love you. so so much. you changed me and got me through my worst moments. i wouldn't even be standing here at hogwarts with you all, without you. you once told me "as long as i have you, i'm perfectly fine," and those words are true. i have you and i'm more than happy about it. all my sadness goes away when i'm with you. now to everyone else, thank you! i love you!" she said running off the podium to hug and kiss derek who was already running to her.

emma walked up to the podium, clearing her throat so she could stop seeing the makeout happening before her eyes. "you guys are the best people i have ever met. even when i was struggling yall were there for me. and i will always be there for you guys. realizing that this may be the last time i see you all, makes me sad. i never wanted this day to come, or see all of our sad faces. we made so many friendships, relationships. we've been through hardships and more. i love you all!" she smiled at colten who was clapping extremely loudly.

severus slowly walked up to the podium second guessing his speech. he walked confidently but deep down he wasn't even sure he wanted to do this. but, it was graduation after all.

"i.." feedback from his wand sent as he pushed it back, "i originally had a speech to everyone. which i erased and trashed. now uhm- don't get me wrong, you all have a special place in my heart. deep deep deep down somewhere. but i have to talk about my shooting star, renee. i never got the chance to ask you out, and i'm so sorry. but i love you, always. always and forever. even when everyone told you no, you still chose me. you are my everything. i wake up in the morning to see you, ophi. i can't tell if you're mad at me, but i want you to know that we will find each other again. i promise i'd be there for you until forever runs out. i'm keeping that promise. you're the person i rely on, the person that keeps me safe. most importantly, the person i love, that i know one day i could call you family. i love you renee ophiuchus riddle, only you, always,"

he said to renee. staring at her as she teared up everytime he said anything about love. she stood up and ran on the stage herself to hug him. she was crying hard into his shoulder and everyone 'aweee'd. severus lifted her head off his shoulder and wiped her tears, signaling her to the podium to make her speech. she laughed and walked to it.

"oh god- i haven't even written my speech and i already sobbed," she laughed, wiping her tears again, "a lot of you... may know me. i'm renee riddle, slytherin prefect and heir of slytherin. although i didn't come up here to tell you all labels. i think we can all agree that hogwarts is our home. a lot of us found friendships, family and even love," she smiled at severus, "for a while, i didn't know what family or love was. as i lost my mother, and lost my brother as well. he's not dead he's just a whore," she said, adding some comedic relief to the speech, "i think our years here define us in the long run. i sound extremely cliche but it's true. i stand here before you guys and i feel a different feeling rather than the one i've been feeling so much. i feel nostalgic and euphoric. because i love you all, you made me into a person i'd never thought i'd be. continued to push me to stay here with you all. i'd like to give special thanks to these people, for everything. to kameron and andrea, for showing me friendship doesn't define a silly army. to tom, for showing me strength. for showing me support, and for showing me what it's like to be a twin. to emma and evan, for showing me how to party. for the weasleys, for showing me bloodline doesn't always define love. and to severus. i'd say some things about him but i don't think i'd be able to top what he said. severus... is amazing. never once did i think i'd lay in bed thinking about marrying anyone the way i do about severus. did i think about betraying my rules and family for anyone the way i did for severus. so.. to severus, for showing me love, not only to love him but to love me as well. i love you, sevi. i do. it'll always be just you," she wiped her tears, "i don't want to say goodbye, because goodbye is the end of forever. so i guess i should say, i'll see you all soon. for whenever the stars align again. a beauty in which i've never seen; but i know it happened here at hogwarts,"

she folded her paper and put it in her pocket, walking off the podium, feeling relieved. everyone got together in a big circle hugging each other and laughing and yelling about how they finally did it.

"THROW YOUR HATS UP IN THREE... TWO... ONE," danielle yelled out, as they all threw their hats up.

"IM IN LOVE WITH RONALD," colten yelled out, watching the hats in the air. causing everyone to freeze and let their hates fall on the ground.

A/N: i fucking hate this book anyways gn

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