Chapter 2

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Peter slammed into the side of a building, cursing his awful Parker Luck™. Of course today had to be the day he ran into the Avengers! They had been chasing him for about 2 weeks now. Peeling himself off the side of the building, he swung onto a nearby rooftop to catch his breath.

"If you just come with us we won't have to fight you!" Iron man called to him.

"We've already been over this! Not a chance, metal boy!" Peter called out to him, before webbing him and, as he liked to call him, 'Hawkass' to the roof. Carefully, he swung back to his alleyway and changed into his civilian clothing. He hoped the churro he was given didn't fall out of his pocket in the escape. Alas, no churro. He sighed. That was his only food for today. These Avengers attacks were taking their toll on him. Without food for his healing factor, he had about a dozen mild gashes on his body from various attacks. He sighed again, and trudged to school. School passed by in a blur. Ned and MJ were both absent, so he slept through most of his classes. Of course, Flash's gang couldn't leave him alone for once in his life. After every 'Penis Parker' insult, he just grit his teeth and tried not to snap his pencil. When he was leaving the school, he almost made it. He could see the light of the doors! That was until he was dragged to the back of the school for a beating. They tossed him on the floor and laughed when he curled up on himself, waiting for it to stop. When they kicked him in the back, right where a nasty gash on his wing was, however, he screamed, and they ran. Flash stopped and looked back at Peter as he stumbled to his feet.

"Just get out of here Flash!" He shouted. "Haven't you done enough? Got one more insult for poor, worthless, Penis Parker? I know you're right, ok? I am pathetic, my home is an alleyway, and I can't even buy a damn sandwich at the end of the day! Just leave!!" Flash did and Peter sighed as he slumped against the wall. Rage had sucked all the energy out of him. Still, he picked himself back up and limped home. Later that night, Peter headed out on patrol. A huge bank heist was taking place. He snuck into a vent and quietly crawled onto the ceiling above the robbers. There were 2 ransacking a vault while the other 2 held hostages at gunpoint. Moving as quickly as he could, he webbed the guns to the wall and the robbers away from the hostages. That's when the other 2 started shooting. 'Of course they have guns' he thought while webbing them up. *Bang!!* Peter felt a blinding pain in his leg and looked down to see a gaping hole in his thigh. He webbed the robber to the wall as the police rushed in and swung outside and onto a nearby roof. His spidey sense went off, and he knew that at least 4 avengers were standing behind him. He ignored them and grabbed a sharp looking piece of glass. He caught the arrow aimed for his back, snapped it with one hand, and threw it into the alley below, ignoring the scoffs of protest. He didn't care, all he could feel is pain radiating from his bone. After the count of three, he jabbed the glass into his thigh and made a deep enough cut so he could safely remove the bullet. He shrieked in pain, and let the glass shatter on the ground, but after 5 seconds, removed his bloody fingers with the bullet.

"What the hell is he doing?" He heard Iron-can whisper as the bullet fell to the floor. Tying the scrap of fabric around his leg, he swung off. For once, the Avengers didn't follow him.

The next day at school, a sandwich was in his locker. He smiled to himself. Just maybe, life could get better. 

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