Chapter 4

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(TW: suicidal actions, death)

Peter's ringtone interrupted the silence of the alleyway. It was about 6, right before his patrol.

Hello, is this Peter Parker speaking?

"Yes, who is this?"

This is Midtown Hospital. Earlier this evening your aunt, May Parker, was involved in an a car accident. She didn't make it. We were informed that she was your last living relative. Social services will be by your apartment...

Peter never finished the phone call. His phone slipped from his hand, and shattered on the pavement. That was it. His last relative was dead. He had no one left. He almost couldn't move, he was in shock. He pushed these thoughts away. He was nothing without Spiderman, so that's what he would be right now. He changed with his mind in a blur, not even paying attention to where he was swinging. When his mind caught up to his body, he was on top of one of the tallest buildings in Queens. His spidey sense tingled numbly, and 5 seconds later he was greeted by the Avengers.

"For the last time, Spider-Man, we need you to come with us," Ironman called to him. Peter was dazed, but turned around to face the Avengers.

"Why?" He asked. The Avengers just looked among themselves, confused. "Why are you chasing me? I'm just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Can't you see the good that I try to do?" It was silent. "Do you really want to know why I do this?" Peter sighed, and pulled off his mask. Small gasps came from the Avengers.

"My parents died when I was 5. Plane crash. My Uncle Ben died when I was 13. I had just gotten my powers and couldn't stop the robber who shot him. And today, my last living relative was killed in a car crash. Is that what you wanted to hear?" Peter's voice shook as tears he didn't even know were there ran down his face. "And now, your going to make me give up the only thing I have left. I'm nothing without Spiderman! Just poor, worthless, orphan Peter Parker!" He was shouting at this point.

"Kid," Tony Stark stepped out of his suit and towards Peter, but he put his hand up.

"No," he said, his voice cold, "You aren't going to understand," Peter stepped up onto the edge of the building. "You don't know everything, Mr. Stark," he whispered, as he tossed his webshooters at Tony's feet. Then, with only a moment of hesitation, fell backwards off the edge of the building. He closed his eyes as strangled gasps and screams erupted from the people on top of the building. He felt something hit his body hard, but he kept his eyes shut, bracing for death. When he finally opened his eyes again, he was back in the warehouse where he fought with the Hulk. Right before his eyes, he watched as the Hulk turned back into Dr. Banner with an expression of extreme worry and concern on his face. The dams broke inside of Peter and all the emotions he'd been holding back poured out of him like a waterfall. Bruce patted him on the back awkwardly until he heard the sound of nearing repulsors. Quickly he scrambled to find a place to hide, as he didn't particularly want to be seen after de-Hulking. Tony Stark quickly burst through the door and stepped out of his Ironman suit. Slowly, he approached Peter like one approaches a skittish puppy. Quietly, he sat down next to Peter, and pulled him into a soft hug.

"It's going to be ok, Peter," he said, "Director Fury sent us after you. He wanted us to recruit you to the Avengers if you're interested."

Peter said nothing for a while, before replying in a small voice, "I'd like that."

"Would you like an internship? For both Spiderman and Peter Parker?" Peter nodded. Tony said nothing for awhile. Peter was the one to break the silence.

"S-social services will be after me soon Mr. Stark. I s-suppose it can't be worse than living on the streets,"

"Can you get home then?" Tony asked. Peter nodded, and moved into the next room to leave through the window. Tony handed him his webshooters, and stepped back into the Ironman suit. Before the mask plate slid down, he asked Peter a question. "How old are you, Peter?"

"I'm 16, sir," he whispered, before swinging out the window and off to his old apartment.

Tony was left in shock. Peter had gone through so much, and he was so young. Steeling himself not to instinctively get a drink when he went home, Tony Stark flew away after dropping a shirt on the ground. Bruce Banner grabbed it, and smiled to himself at the bonding moment between Tony and Peter. Peter brought out what everyone liked to call the "IronDad" side of Tony. He knew that there would be a lot more they would be seeing of Tony and Peter moments. 

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