Chapter 15

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The Avengers were gathered around one of the tables in the meeting room. Everyone was chatting dully with those around them.

"Hey, Steve," Tony called across the table, "Do you think we should sign the accords if we get the part about wings removed?"

Steve scoffed, "No," Tony tilted his head.

"Why not? The government just wants to make sure we don't get out of hand." Steve stood up to pace.

"You wouldn't understand." Tony was getting kinda irritated at Steve for the argument.

"No no, tell me, what don't I understand?" Tony snarked back. Steve whirled around and slammed his hands onto the table. Conversation died as everyone turned to watch Steve. When he spoke, his voice was deathly cold.

"It's the difference between being the product and the salesman,"

He continued, "You see this as quality control, right? I see this as an opportunity to turn me back into America's dancing monkey. Do you know what it's like, Tony?" Steve's voice grew louder as he asked the question. "Do you know what it's like to have to tour the United States like some freak show attraction, doing nothing? While thousands of young men are dying, and you know that you could have prevented it?! Do you know what it's like to be told that your best friends is as good as dead? To have to BEG to be sent into combat so you can HOPE you find his BODY?! DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT FEELS, TONY?!?!?" Steve's voice was hoarse from shouting, and he had to take several deep breaths and close his eyes to prevent himself from crying. "I'm not letting that happen to me or anyone else again. So, it's your choice really. Because if you want the Avengers to sign those accords, well, then Captain America is no longer an Avenger." Steve walked out of the room, and Bucky followed. "I'm sorry Buck," he broke down, "I shouldn't have exploded like that. I-I just can't lose you again."

"I know Stevie, I can't lose you either." Bucky replied back. Together the two men stayed holding on to each other for the rest of the night.

Tony was shocked. Everyone was, to say the least. They'd never seen Cap explode like that before, or even talk about his time in the war. Tony needed some time to think. The accords were tearing the Avengers apart, just like Ross wanted. Tony stayed in the meeting room and read the packet of Accords. Everyone present watched in tense silence. When he got to the last page, he tore it off. This was the page where the signatures went. "We won't be needing that," he said, crumpling the sheet into a ball. Everyone let out a breath they didn't know they were holding. Stephen was proud of his husband for not blowing up at Steve. The next day at breakfast, Tony pulled Steve aside and handed him the accords packet.

"Why are you giving me this?" Steve asked blatantly. Tony handed him a lighter.

"I was hoping later tonight you can help me burn this shit up." Steve raised his eyebrows, and then nodded.

They walked back over to the breakfast table, and Tony stood up on his chair (to appear taller than Steve who was standing next to him).

"Avengies, I have an announcement to make! We're going to court against the accords!!" Everyone clapped for Tony who took several deep bows and ended up face planting into his french toast. Everyone was nervous but excited at the same time. Justice can finally prevail. 

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