Chapter 17

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Steve's eye twitched, but he couldn't lash out at Ross. "Ross, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you've never lost someone close to you. Because when you do, you want to hold on to every sliver of hope they are still alive. To answer your question, Bucky Barnes is more than my best friend. He was my first friend, my only friend til I was 23. He's..." Steve paused, looking up at Bucky. Bucky nodded. "He's my soulmate." Steve finished. I kid you not, every damn person in the crowd 'awwww'ed. Ross just turned purple and stomped back to his seat.

"I'd like to call upon my next witness. Will Tony Stark take the stand?"

Tony did, flashing his paparazzi smile. "So, upon analysis of the accords, you found several issues with them. Tell the court about them,"

"Of course," Tony replied, "I'd like to point right off the bat that article 2 states, 'Upon signing, all rights against experimentation and testing are forfeited,' Basically, we give up our rights to not get experimented on. Red flag number 1! Article 3 tells us where we would be forced to live. It only gave coordinates, let's see where they want to put us." Tony pulled up and projected a map with the coordinates pin pointed. "So, we're just going to hang in this top security prison in the middle of the ocean? Red flag number 2! Article 5 also states: 'Anyone in possession of powers found with wings may choose to either have them removed immediately or be terminated from their status, stripped of their powers, and executed' Wouldn't that be unconstitutional as well?"

The judge just shrugged.

"Take the wings issue up with the Supreme court. Any other witnesses, Mr. Murdock?"

"Yes sir. Will Spiderman come take the stand?" Peter came up to the stand, and Tony gave him a worried look.

"Tell us about yourself," Matt said. Peter took a deep breath, and started.

"I think that before the court decides about these accords, they should know exactly who we are behind the mask. So, let me introduce myself," he took off his mask, "I'm Peter Parker, and I'm 16 years old. When I was 5 my parents were killed in a plane crash. I lived with my Aunt and Uncle, who was killed shortly after I got my powers. I was unable to stop the robber who shot him. I was only 13. As he died in my arms, he told me his last piece of advice: With great power comes great responsibility. Think about that quote for a moment," Peter continued, "Most recently, my Aunt was killed in a car crash. I got put into an abusive orphanage. Luckily, though, Mr. Stark and Dr. Stark-Strange adopted me. Before I end, I would like to tell you my last quote. 'When you can do the things I can, and you don't, and bad things happen, they happen because of you.' Thank you." Peter said, and exited the stand.

"Have you prepared closing statements?" The judge asked.

"I think the evidence should stand for itself, your honor," Ross replied.

"Yes, yes it does," The judge replied, "General Ross, I am sentencing you to 100 years in prison for crimes against those with powers and perjury,"

The court erupted in cheers from the superheroes watching. The Sokovia accords were no more!

Later they were all settled on the couch eating shawarma. However, their biggest victory was yet to come.

"So..." Peter spoke up, "When are we going to the Supreme Court?" Tony smiled anxiously.

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