Chapter 3

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Peter's life was NOT getting better. He was currently running through an abandoned warehouse, running faster with the roar in the distance. Why might you ask? The Avengers decided to set the Hulk on him. Not fun. Eventually, a green fist closed around him and tossed him through the wall of the room he was running through. 'I cannot catch a break' Peter thought dully as he broke through the room over. He found himself in a large open area with walkways on the 2nd floor; quickly he swung up to a walkway and started running. Following a rumble, the Hulk burst through the wall Peter came from and started looking around. He tried to be quiet, but he backed into a box of screws, only to watch in horror as the whole thing tumbled down the stairs. He was found out. The Hulk stalked angrily towards him, ripping off a metal beam, and using it like a baseball bat to send Peter through the wall again. 'Yep, those are broken ribs' he thought. This time he ended up in a room in the corner of the building, with thick glass windows he wouldn't be able to break through in time.

He could hear the Hulk roaring, "WHERE DID PUNY SPIDER HIDE?" Peter saw him stalk into the room, and raise the beam above his head. This is it, he thought, I'm going to be a Peter-cake! He shut his eyes, and prepared for the impact that would knock the life out of him.

But it never came. Slowly he opened his eyes to see the Hulk standing in the same position, but his expression was one of confusion, not anger. Peter realized his mask was snagged on the metal beam.

"Hulk hurt tiny child. But tiny child did not hurt Hulk?" The Hulk asked. Peter hesitated, then shook his head. His eyes then widened when the he set the beam down, sat down, and picked up Peter.

"My ribs," he squeaked in an inaudible voice. "Hey big guy, want to see a cool trick?" Peter asked. He tilted his head, and set Peter down. As best he could, Peter scaled the wall and backflipped off of it. In the middle of the backflip, he shot out a web and pulled himself to the ceiling. He then proceeded to flip twice before landing on the ground. When he looked up, the Hulk grinned at him, so he grinned back, and flipped around again. Soon enough he was laughing and practicing all sorts of stunts. He looked down, and instead of the Hulk, he was met with Bruce Banner looking quizzically up at him. He was so shocked, he didn't realize he was falling until he hit the ground with a loud 'oof!' It wasn't seeing his science idol that shocked him though. It was the white, green-tipped wings protruding from his back.

When the stars in his vision cleared, Peter immediately sat up. He opened his mouth to start fanboying, but no sound came out. He just sat there, gaping like a fish.

"Hello Spiderman. That was impressive how you calmed down the other guy." Bruce Banner said to him.

"T-thanks!" Peter said in a small voice. He still hadn't gotten over his shock.

"Is it the wings? I can go if you would like, although I suppose Tony would be pretty disappointed, not to mention Fury..."

Peter's brain caught up to him. "Oh, no Dr. Banner, sir, it's not your wings! I was just sort of shocked that you have wings, er, that we both have wings, uh... Here!" Peter stumbled over his words as he unstrapped his own wings. Bruce was mildly surprised. "I also wanted to say that I am a huge fan of your work! Your research on Gamma radiation was revolutionary! I read all of your books!"

This caught Bruce slightly off guard. "You understand my work? You can't be older than 18. Thanks..."

"Peter!" He supplied, "And I'm 16, Dr. Banner sir,"

Bruce smiled warmly; Peter was just a little cinnamon roll! "It's just Bruce, Peter,"

Peter beamed at Bruce, but then his face fell. "You're going to tell the other Avengers, aren't you?" He asked carefully.

"Not unless you give me reason to," Bruce answered. Peter was practically glowing. However, he noticed how light the sky was getting and quickly grabbed his mask and restrapped his wings.

"Bye Dr- er, Bruce! It was nice to meet you!" He called as he ran through the door and out a more openable window. Bruce smiled to himself, before waiting for Tony to come find him with a shirt.


Across the town, in his SHIELD apartment, Steve Rogers was becoming increasingly frustrated. Sam, who was supposed to be helping Steve navigate the database, was asleep in the chair next to him. So far everything he found about the Winter Soldier dead-ended the same way: The Winter Soldier is a ghost story, no evidence to say he exists. Steve sighed, ran his hand through his hair for the millionth time, and clicked on one last file. 

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