Chapter 14

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Bucky was walking briskly around New York. Steve had finally been convinced to allow Bucky to go out and about and it just started pouring rain. He pulled his jacket sleeve farther down his metal arm as he entered a sketchy neighborhood. It was supposed to be the quickest way to Central Park. Looking behind him, he saw two members of what appeared to be a gang point at Bucky and start whispering. He walked a little faster. He'd ended far too many back alley fights back in the day to not know where this was going. Footsteps behind him told him the gang members had started running after him. Bucky broke out running, and would have easily escaped if he didn't run into a dead end. He whirled around to face the gang and whipped out a pocket knife of his own. When the fight began, Bucky was holding his own pretty well. At one point they attempted to stab him in the metal arm, resulting in a deafening 'screeeeeeee' noise as they cut the sleeve of his jacket clean off. Bucky actually thought that he could win this fight, until he noticed 3 more gang's pointing at the fray. Bucky then realized that the back of his shirt was torn to shreds, and his wings could be seen. He didn't hesitate this time, and sprinted back to the tower as soon as it got ugly. Panting, he stumbled into the common room. Steve was the only one there, as the others had gone to get Chinese food.

"Steve!" Bucky called as he leaned on the wall. "Holy shit, Buck!" Steve exclaimed when he saw the shape Bucky was in. He rushed up to him and snagged a first aid kit off the counter. "Buck, can you unstrap your wings? I need to patch them up," Bucky did, and large beautiful silver wings emerged from his back. Steve wiped the blood off them, before facing Bucky and pulling him into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" He whispered. Bucky smiled, but the moment was short lived. A ding of the elevator alerted the two men two the rest of the Avengers arriving via the elevator. Soft gasps emerged from the crowd of people, and quicker than Pietro could, Steve had his shield out in front of Bucky and himself as he backed himself and Bucky into a corner. Steve mentally prepared himself for a fight he couldn't win. Tony took a step forward, and at that moment, Peter came running down the hall. He stopped short at the sight within the common room, and immediately unstrapped his own wings as he stepped in from of Steve. 7 feet of pure, soft golden feathers blocked Steve and Bucky from harm and Peter braced himself for impact. He just knew his Parker's luck caught up to him.


The moment was so tense you could cut it with a butter knife. Peter opened his eyes when no impact came. He looked back at Steve, who was equally confused.

"I wasn't going to hurt anyone," Mr. Stark said softly. Steve and Peter both stood down, but no one wanted to address the elephant in the room. So, no one did. Eventually they migrated to the couches and ate the Chinese food in silence. That is, until Friday spoke up.

"Sir, it appears you have a visitor. General Ross is on his way up." Peter and Bucky looked at each other in a moment of panic and dashed out of the room. Ross was known for doing terrible, unspeakable things to people with any mutation. When General Ross entered the room, a snobbish aura followed him.

"I wanted to deliver the first copy of the Sokovian Accords to you in person, Mr. Stark. After all, the government doesn't want any more trouble than necessary."

Tony just looked at the papers he'd been handed and replied, "What bullshit is this?"

"Language," Steve whispered. General Ross turned to exit the room, when he noticed a single, silver feather on the ground. Everyone held their breath.

"Flip to page 13, article 5, please," General Ross said and left. Tony did, and then dropped the packet like it was made of acid. Steve furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to pick it up. He read it aloud in a monotone voice.

"Anyone in possession of powers found with wings may choose to either have them removed immediately or be terminated from their status, stripped of their powers, and executed immediately."

The room was deathly quiet as Peter and Bucky reemerged from their rooms. Nat spoke up. "Who here has wings?"

Peter and Bucky raised their hands, followed by Steve. Wanda and Pietro were the next to put their hands up. Hesitantly, Bruce and Loki followed suit. Scott put his up next, followed by Stephen and Tony. After looking around the room, Tony said, "Well, we're fucked."

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