Chapter 12

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Dear Steve,

Figured you'd be here. Nat told me about your friend. Could you tell him that I'd be willing to take a crack at erasing the conditioning? If he agrees you'd be more than welcome to come stay at the Tower. Would you need one room or two? Or a whole floor? Scratch that, just let me know if you want to come stay. I talked to some Wakandan representatives and they have some tech that can help too. Anywho, I suppose I should stop formatting this like an e-mail. I hope you can at least drop by sometime. You have to meet Peter! Uh, Bye Steve!

Tony Stark

Genius, Billionaire, Ex-playboy, Philanthropist, Husband, Father

"That should do it!" Tony exclaimed as he finished his letter to Steve.

"Whatcha doing Dad?" Peter asked as he walked in the room.

"Finishing up a letter to Steve telling him that him and his friend can stay with us while we poke around his friend's mind," Tony replied.

"Er, Dad, I don't think you want to do that quite yet. There's something I found about the Winter Soldier. About your parent's deaths,"

To say that Tony was mad was an understatement. He saw red. As he was almost summoning his Iron Man armor, Peter rushed up to him. "Please, dad, calm down!" Peter pleaded.

"Calm DOWN?!" Tony roared and threw his hands into the air. Peter closed his eyes and flinched back. It broke Tony's heart to see his own son afraid of him. All the rage melted away, and left Tony practically sobbing on the floor. He just couldn't end up like his own father. His own father... Tony felt indifferent to learn about his father's murderer. But his mother's murderer... this is what filled Tony with rage. Now, he was left on the floor, with Stephen and Peter kneeling beside him, grieving all over again.

"I'm sorry Peter," he whispered, "I'm so, so sorry," Peter just hugged him.

"We can talk about this later," Peter said. "I'm so sorry I brought it up,"

Dear Mr. Steve Rogers, Captain America, Sir,

Hello! We've never met, but this is Peter Parker. My adoptive fathers are Tony Stark and Stephen Stark-Strange. I wanted to let you know that Tony's offer still stands, but I had to tell him about what happened to his parents. It is only fair to him. He was angry at first, but now he is just sad about the fact that his parent's deaths were not tragic accidents. If you still want to come, I'll be happy to make a batch of cookies for you and Mr. Barnes sir. If you do come and Tony is cold to you, please don't take it personally. I would still be happy to work on technology to erase the conditioning if you are interested. Thanks!

Peter Parker

aka Spider-Man

Steve found these letters on his doorstep when he got back with Bucky from their little 'date'. He smiled as he read the first one, though it faltered upon the second letter. He showed them to Bucky, who remained silent. "Well, Buck. What do you think?" Bucky looked up at Steve, his eyes full of raw emotion. "What choice do we have? We have to make it so that Hydra can't turn me back into their weapon." Steve nodded and squeezed Bucky's hand. 

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