Chapter 10

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Steve, Sam, and Nat were driving in one of the SHIELD given cars when it happened. Gunshots rang out and they were officially under attack by the Winter Soldier. Sam quickly tried to drive and get out of his line of sight, which failed when he shot the steering wheel off. He threw a grenade, and Steve didn't hesitate to tackle Nat and Sam out of the car. He grabbed his shield, and held it above their heads as bullets rained down. Nat got shot in the thigh. They ended up on a closed road leading to the bridge in construction. Sam helped Nat get to safety, and Steve threw his shield expertly at the Winter Soldier, causing him to fall off of the post he was on. The Winter soldier stalked over to Steve, and the spar began. It could have been a dance of perfectly timed blows and equally matched opponents. Steve kept focus on keeping the knife away from his face, but when it shattered on his Vibranium shield, Steve saw his opportunity. He whacked the Winter Soldier right in the mask. It fell off, and they both stumbled backwards. The sight Steve saw made his blood run cold. Standing before him was his best friend. "Bucky?" Steve asked, his voice fragile.

"Who the hell is Bucky?" the Winter Soldier spat.

"Bucky, it's me! It's Steve!" Steve pleaded with him while dodging attacks from his metal arm. "Remember me, Buck? We grew up together, in the forties. In '36 we got an apartment, before the war. You had to drag me out of back alley fights every other day. Please, Bucky! Remember!"

"Stop saying that!" He snapped, "I don't know who Bucky is!" Steve's heart shattered the tiniest amount, but he couldn't focus on that. He had to hold on to the last sliver of hope.

"You are James Buchanan Barnes, and you're my best friend," Steve stated in the strongest voice he could muster.

"You're my mission," the soldier hissed back, pulling a pistol out of his pocket.

"Then finish it," Steve stated, his voice unwavering, "Because I'm with you till the end of the line," Bucky's eyes widened, and he stumbled backwards, dangerously close to the edge of the bridge.

"No! No! They told me you died!" Bucky cried out in an broken voice, "Is this just another one of Hydra's tricks?" He was almost sobbing, clutching his temples like they might shatter. "Buck, its Steve-"

"Prove it!" Bucky shouted, standing practically on the edge. Time seemed to slow down. Steve allowed his wings to stretch out to their full length. However, a deafening bang filled his ears, and he watched for the 2nd time as his best friend toppled over the edge. Bucky's expression quickly changed from confusion, to pure joy, to horror. Without a moment's hesitation, Steve ran forward and dove after Bucky. Hoping his wings would catch the air, he reached out his arms, and pulled Bucky close to him. After a jarring 5 seconds, his wings caught the air, and Steve soared over the river and onto the shore.

On the bridge, smoke drifted from the barrel of the gun in Natasha's hands. She turned to Sam, who gave her a look equivalent of "I don't know, what was that supposed to do?" Nat just shook her head and said, "Let's go back to the tower."


On the bank, Steve knelt down next to Bucky. "Buck?" He asked softly.

"I'm okay, Steve." Bucky whispered. "Let's go home," Steve told him, and they both stood up. "Wait, but Steve, your wings!"

Steve glanced at them and said, "Don't worry about it, I'll be fine."

"Like hell you will!" Bucky said, as he took off his jacket and handed it to Steve. It wasn't much, but that combined with the now exposed metal arm would keep them from getting mugged on the way home. Steve put his hand on Bucky's shoulder and together they walked back to their apartment. 

(I know this isn't what happened, but it's an au so fight me.)

(Jk plz don't fight me)

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