Chapter 11

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Bucky awoke to the smell of frying eggs. His first thought: this isn't my Hydra cell. Then his mind caught up with the events of the past week. "Morning, Bucky!" Steve greeted as Bucky made his way into the main area of the apartment. Like he had for the past week now, Bucky greeted Steve, and then pulled out his little notebook Steve gave him. Everyday he was supposed to write down the first thing he remembers, the last thing he remembers, and the most important thing he remembers. After they ate, Steve wanted to take Bucky out to see more of the 21st century. Bucky agreed, and Steve was excited! Secretly, he was hoping this counted as a date.

"Ready to go, Buck?" Steve asked.

"Let me grab my jacket." Bucky said. Steve couldn't help but notice how self-conscious Bucky was about his arm. However, Steve knew Bucky hated it because it was a constant reminder of what Hydra did to him. As Steve grabbed his own jacket, he noticed Bucky left his notebook open. Quickly scanning the page, he smiled when he got to the most important thing: I love Steve, and Steve loves me. When they exited their apartment together, Steve grabbed Bucky's hand, and they made their way into the streets of New York City.


Peter was excited. He will get to meet Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson today! When they entered the meeting room and took a seat, Fury entered.

"Romanoff, Wilson. Mission Report"

"Yes, sir. We were sent to find and capture the Winter Soldier. We were able to locate him when I was injured. Sam relocated me while Steve confronted him. We were able to watch as Steve pushed the soldier nearer and nearer to the edge. When he was on the edge I shot him and he fell off. For some reason Steve jumped after him, and neither of them have been seen since. We were unable to listen to their conversation,"

"Thank you Agent Romanoff. Any other useful information pertaining to this mission?"

Peter raised his hand. "Director Fury sir, on a recent mission to a Hydra base I found reasonable evidence the Winter Soldier is being brainwashed. I sent this information to Mr. Captain America sir the night before the events Miss. Agent Romanoff described took place. It is possible that Mr. Captain America sir could have broken through the conditioning,"

Fury nodded.

"Good to know, Peter. Any other information? Agent Wilson?"

"Steve suspected the Winter Soldier was James Barnes. He also may have gone back to his apartment in Brooklyn," Sam said. Fury nodded. When no one else spoke up, Fury left. As they got up to leave, Peter introduced himself to Nat and Sam.

"Hello Miss. Natasha Romanoff Black Widow ma'am, Mr. Sam Wilson Falcon sir, I'm Spiderman, but you can call me Peter Parker!" "You can call me Nat," Natasha said.

"And you can call me Sam," Sam piped up.

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