Chapter 16

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The court room buzzed excitedly. Superheroes and vigilantes were the only ones allowed in the room aside from the necessary officials, as everyone had to sign NDAs. Eddie Brock was the only journalist allowed in, and Matt Murdock was Tony's lawyer of choice. Ross was the first to give an opening statement.

"Your honor, it is the upmost importance to the government to keep the people safe. Those with powers or who call themselves superheroes are endangering the public's safety. More people have died from collateral damage than any of the villain attacks we have faced. Thus, the Sokovian accords were born out of a necessity to limit the power these people have. 'Superheroes' are opposing these accords because they want to keep the power they have over the people of our country. Justice must bring them to the truth of their unnatural nature," After Ross' speech, half the crowd looked ready to lose their shit. Bruce was digging his fingers into his skin to keep himself from hulking out. Steve, well, Steve was praying that no one killed anyone today. Loki, Nat, and Bucky were quite visibly cleaning weapons that shouldn't have ever made it into the court to begin with. When they settled down, Matt Murdock began his opening speech.

"Every single so called 'superhero' as General Ross phrases it, has sacrificed their lives to dedicate them to the public's safety. Should not the government honor and protect these heroes? Your honor, the Sokovian accords violate the basic rights of all the heroes in this room. It would be unconstitutional for the US government to force us to sign these accords. Humane rights trump one man's fear of those whom he doesn't know. General Ross may stand by his prejudiced beliefs, but the truth cannot be masked." The judge nodded and asked Ross if he had any witnesses he would like to call upon. Ross did, and called upon several law makers who said that the accords were perfectly valid, Ross had the right to call for more control of supers if he felt threatened by them, blah blah blah. Upon being cross-examined, their testimonies completely fell apart. Everyone could tell he wasn't expecting opposition and pulled this evidence out of his ass. Finally it was Murdock's turn.

"I would like to call upon my first witness. Would Steve Rogers take the stand please?" Steve did. "Steve, you have been in a situation like this before, have you not? Could you tell the court about it?"

"Yes, sir," Steve nodded. "When I was first given the super soldier serum in 1943, the United States government did not know what to do with me, as the rest of the serum had been lost. So, they paraded me around the United States like a freak show attraction rather than send me into combat like I had signed up for. Thousands of men died, and they did nothing to send me into combat. It was only when I received word that my best friend's entire unit had been captured by a combination of Hydra and Nazi soldiers that I had to beg to be allowed into combat, so I could have a chance to find my best friend's body, and even still, I had to go against orders. To the best of my understanding, this is what the accords are trying to do to us. Deny us the basic rights any human has and turn us into tools for use at the government's disposal,"

"Your explanation was very much correct, Steve. No further questions." Ross wanted to cross examine Steve.

"Mr. Rogers, I only have one question for you. Why would you do all this for just a friend? Is that just an excuse for ulterior motives?"

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