Chapter 1

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"Project 3488." That is what they call me. I do not know who I am, what I am, or what I am doing here. "Who am I?" I ask myself. They want to hurt me... They use me... I am nothing but an experiment to them. "Project 3488, are you ready?" They ask. "Yes," I reply. I wonder what they will do to me this time. Just because I am a robot does not indicate that I have no feelings. People think that robots are just expensive human-like machines. They are all wrong. Robots are much more than just that.


"It seems that I have crashed my car..." "Into a human..." Are they alive? Have I murdered them? "Kazuichi... What shall I do now?" I asked him. Kazuichi has been trying to teach me how to drive since no one else will. 


I got out of the car as quickly as I could! Gundham you idiot! Wasn't it clear that there was a human on the road?! Wha? "Gundham come out here." Gundham stepped out of the car with his arms crossed and I told him to look at it. It wasn't a human. There wasn't any blood or anything disgusting like that. It was just a... What is it even?


I put my hand on the strange object lying under the tires of the car... It doesn't seem to be anything dangerous.


"Hey! It's a humanoid robot!" I realized! I got Nekomaru to lift up the car so I could get the robot out from under the tires. Maybe I can fix it up a little!


I opened my eyes to see a boy with pink hair. I think I am in his room, sitting on a chair.


"Hey hey! It's working!" I set down the screwdriver down on my table and told the robot for the 502nd time: "Hey there! I'm Kazuichi Soda. What's your name?" 


My name?


I can't remember. 


It's staying silent... Oh, come on! Does this mean it failed again?!


"I don't remember my name," I said. "Also, is it alright if I can call you... Master Kazuichi?" 


"O-Oh no no no! Kazuichi is fine. I don't wanna be treated like a prince or royal guy or anything like that." 


"Since I don't know my name... Can you please give me a title?" 


Hmm... I got one! "Hey! How about... Y/N? What about it?" 


I supposed the name Y/N is alright. "Y/N... It sounds like a nice name." 


I'm glad you like it!


"Master Kazuichi... What am I doing here? Why am I not in the lab?" I asked him. He replied with: "It's alright, you don't have to call me master... But, what is this lab you're talking of?" The last thing I remember was... I put my hand to my chin and told Master Kazuichi: "I had just escaped from the lab. But then I was hit by a car. How did I end up here?"


Lab? Was she perhaps being used as an experiment there? "U-Uhm... One of my friends accidentally crashed into you. Sorry about him, he's a huge idiot. We thought you were a human at first, but then I found out you were just a robot. And so, I fixed you up, and after a total of 502 tries, you came out to be working like this."


I looked at my hand and clenched it in a fist, then opened it back up. I took a good look at my "new build". I looked up at him when a bell rang. "Oh, that must be Gundham! I invited him over so he could check up on you." Master Kazuichi sat up and ran to the door. Check up on me? Like an exam? I don't like that.


"H-Huh? I swear she was right here!" I looked all around my room, but there was no sign of Y/N!


"Perhaps that is her out on the road, Kazuichi?" I took a stare out of the window and saw that exact humanoid figure walking across the street with cars honking at her.


So much noise. It bothers me. These objects with wheels, so noisy.


No no no! "Y/N! Get back here!" I yelled out, basically embarrassing myself. If she got hit by another car, I'd just have to rebuild her all over again! It took me so long, there's no way that I'd just let my hard work go to waste! "Sorry about her!" 


"Master Kazuichi... I am sorry for causing you trouble. A bell scared me.


A bell? Like... The doorbell? Does she not know what a doorbell is? I mean, she is a robot after all... But I thought robots are supposed to be intelligent? "Oh, that was just the doorbell."




Seems like she really doesn't know what a doorbell is... "You know, a doorbell? The button that someone presses to let them know that they've arrived at their house?" 


"Thank you, Master Kazuichi. Now I know what a "doorbell" is." 


Kazuichi rebuilt a robot... But it doesn't even know what a doorbell is. "Kazuichi, what was even the purpose of rebuilding the robot?"


I was unsure if I should tell him or not... "Well, it's because everyone in the class looks down on me..." I mumbled in an upset tone. "I want to show them that I can be better with this robot!" 


They look down on Master Kazuichi because... He's short?


Y/N... Y/N will be the one to show that I can do better. That night I told her she could sleep in my bed and I could sleep on a sleeping bag, but she woke me up in the middle of the night because she said she isn't used to sleeping on "soft objects". What's up with her? What has she gone through?


"Master Kazuichi. Sorry for waking you up so early, but I am not used to sleeping on this soft object. May I sleep on the floor instead? Since I am used to it?"

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