Chapter 6 {A Day At The Fair}

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The video above is a song that brought me the idea of Y/N and Kazuichi playing around in the fair. You can play it if you like. In this chapter, the narrator will be speaking. 

When you got on the bus, you stuck with Kazuichi. You looked out the window and you were just like a child, interested in the littlest things. "Master Kazuichi look!" You pointed out the window, at the birds flying around above that big grassy field you were passing by. He found it funny that you were acting like a child, but you weren't the least bit embarrassed. 

Once you arrived, you looked at the big structures in front of you. Roller Coasters. "Master, that's what you call a "roller coaster" is that correct?" You asked. "That's right!" Kazuichi threw you on top of his back and started running around, asking you what you wanted to do first. 

Kazuichi and you played countless fair games, won many prizes, rode the highest roller coasters, and you even got to try new food. Food that you've never eaten before. (Remember, you're a robot with human needs). 

Some of the others even entered contests, and of course, won. 

While you and Kazuichi sat beside each other on the cart on the roller coaster, all you could hear was Kazuichi's endless screaming. You, however, didn't scream at all but yet still had fun. You laughed at Kazuichi as he screamed at screamed. 

"Y/N!" A voice you heard, from behind you. The voice was Akane. "Do you mind entering this contest with me?! We have to have two people on our team, and your the closest person to me! It's a pie-eating contest! Really?! Great!" She took your hand and brought you to the location of the pie-eating contest, leaving you no time to reply to her request. 

"Don't worry Kazuichi! I'll bring your girlfriend back to you in no time!" Akane yelled, running away without looking back. 

Kazuichi's face instantly turned red, and he mumbled to himself: "S-She isn't my girlfriend..." 

"Admit it, you like her. But isn't that kinda weird? Having feelings for a robot." asked Fuyuhiko, popping out of nowhere. "Shut up! My feelings are for Miss Sonia, and Miss Sonia only!" 

As you walked back to where Kazuichi was, Akane said: "Way to go Y/N! You're the reason why we were able to win the contest!"

Flashback: "Begin!" Not even 5 seconds have passed, and you already finished the pie in front of you without using your hands. "We have a winner! Team Akane!" They passed Akane a ticket for a free vacation.

"I'd like to help you win something again. That was a new experience that I have enjoyed." Akane and you separated ways not long after. 

"Hey! Y/N!" Kazuichi spotted you while you were looking all over for him. "Look at what I won for you!" He pulled out a small bunny hat, hoping that you'd like it. You had no idea what it was, but he stuck the hat on your head and you found it pretty cool. 

As you both were walking around, you saw a big open area, with lots of people who were dancing. Including Hiyoko and Mahiru. Hiyoko most likely forced Mahiru to go into the circle to dance with her. 

You found it interesting, and wanted to try it out. It looked amusing and fun to you. You took Kazuichi's hand and pulled him into the dance circle. You were twirling around rather gracefully, even though you didn't know one clue about dancing. Kazuichi on the other hand was not doing really well with dancing, but you were able to teach him how, even if you didn't know how. Your robot's emotions took over the movements of your body. Kazuichi caught onto your dancing, and before you two knew it, you were stealing the spot light. 

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