Chapter 26 {How Kazuichi Would React To Y/N's Death}

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I don' think this will count as a spoiler since it is made-up. 

I also assume that you will be a robot here.


"What do you mean?"


"I said, I'm the killer."


How can... How can she give up so easily?


"Master Kazuichi, for your sake, you shall vote me out."


"Master Kazu- Since when in the fuck did you call him that?!"



Kazuichi looked like he was about to break down. 


"It's a rather very long story. Kazuichi can explain to you when this class trial is over."


"No! If we end this class trial, you'll be gone! I'd rather have this class trial go on for the rest of my life! It's not ending!"

And Kazucihi started sobbing his eyes out, not being able to even keep himself standing anymore. You just stood there with a blank face, staring at the sobbing Kazuichi, still in your assigned spot. 


"Jeez! Stop crying already! What a baby! Okay, time to vote?"

Kazuichi curled himself up into a ball on the ground, loudly sobbing into his knees.


"Kazuichi, we have to move on!"


"The dark lady is correct. Let it go, Kazuichi."


"Just shut up! Y/N, don't go! Please, Monokuma, let me die with her!"

Y/N slapped Kazuichi across the face, suddenly appearing in front of him.


"Be quiet. I want you to live."


"But you can't leave me! I refuse to let this happen!"


"Kazuichi, let it go. And, you can rebuild me anytime, you know that right?"


I can?

Kazuichi lifted his head and confusingly stared at Y/N.


I pressed the button on my wrist, and a USB came out. "Here. It holds all my memory and data. If you find some parts around the islands, you can rebuild me. So there's no reason to worry." 

Y/N was trying her best to not cry as a robot, but Y/N's human was sobbing behind the screen.


"Don't leave me please!"

Kazuichi suddenly started to cling onto Y/N. She couldn't do anything but cry at this moment.


"Enough! Now, I've prepared a special punishment for the Ultimate... For the Ultimate...! For the Ultimate Unknown!"

Y/N was dragged by a chain, waving goodbye to Kazuichi. Kazuichi tried reaching out his hand to Y/N, but the chain dragged her too quickly.


"Hey... Kazuichi, are you... okay?"


"Leave me alone."




"Leave me alone."

Kazuichi stayed in the trial room, unable to move a muscle.


"Hey, sorry to say this, but you're not allowed in here anymore! Out, out, out!"

Kazuichi was now the opposite of himself. He became extremely introverted, didn't want to tamper with random things he saw outside and was just empty. He knew that he could build you again, but he just never had the courage to do so. When all classmates will meet at a certain point, Kazuichi never shows up and is forced to by Monokuma all the time. Even looking at a robot bothered him so much. When he saw that Nekomaru was fixed, he was so angry since Nekomaru got another chance to live as a robot and you didn't. After seeing Nekomaru's robot, he refused to go out of his cottage. And when someone would ask him to come out, he would rather violently tell them to go away.

Comment some more ideas for me to write! 

This is @Ibuki_Simp idea

Ik your comment said if Y/N was murdered, but I just realized that now and I'm too lazy to change it TOT

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